Shell Dream Meaning – Top 15 Dreams About Shells

Did you dream about shells? Shell in a dream represents security and protection. You are hiding your true or real feelings. Consider what type of shells in the dream or what you are doing with the shells to get better interpretations. Below we will note the most common dreams for shells.

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Dream About Actions with Shells

Dream About Collecting Shells
Collecting shells in the dream indicates that you will see great treasure where other people see trash. Consider recycling dreams where you see the best in people. You see the beauty of everything in waking life.

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Dream About Breaking Shells
Breaking through different shells in the dream, suggests that you are breaking through other’s vulnerability and sensibility.

Dream About Picking Up Single Shells
To pick up shells along the beach shoreline, foretells a journey on the sea. You will enjoy a process of soul searching with a vacation near the ocean.

Dream About Being Inside a Shell
Dreaming that you are living inside a shell; it indicates that you are setting up a strong defense mechanism to protect yourself. It is like a moat blocking out those who might hurt you. You are afraid to let yourself be emotionally vulnerable and available to others.

Dream About Objects with Shells

Shell Necklace
To dream about shell necklace, symbolizes a success in your financial and love affairs. You will be able to make connection of many previous experiences to form a wholesome view. Every journey make up who you are. Remember all of the individual stories that they might represent.

Broken Shells
Delicate or broken shells in the dream indicate that you may be feeling vulnerable. You are susceptible to hurt. Tread carefully with each of your every move.

Dream About Different Types of Shells

Dream About Shells of Sea Life

To dream about shellfish shells like shrimp shells or crab shells, suggests that you are feeling overpowered and insignificant. Be careful of people trying to take advantage of each other for their own gains.

Cowrie, Conch Shells, Nautilus Shell
To dream about bigger shells like cowrie, nautilus, or conch, suggests that you might try to call out for help. However, you are likely to hear echos of yourself or others in the same boat. Do not exact to receive actual help that can change the situation. You will have to rely on your own.

Tortoise or Turtle Shell
Turtle shells as a dream symbol generally suggest shelter and protection against the world and your inner thoughts.

Clam Pearl Shell
Clam and pearl shells are an omen of wealth. You will soon be rewarded for something.

Abalone, Scallop, or Oyster Shells
To dream about shells for delicacies like abalone, scallop, or oysters; they signify financial frustrations. You will have trouble enjoying or accessing your wealth. Or you will work very hard for nothing.

Dream About Nuts and Fruits Shells

Snail Shell
Snail shells in the dream represent that you will take the long and slow road to achieve success in your business and educational life. You will continue to move slowly but grow at the same time. However, you are not likely to get much help. You will grow and develop into better versions of yourself.

Coconut Shell
A dream that focuses on coconut fruit shell, or items that are made up of coconut shells; implies that you are being stubborn about a situation.

Dream About Other Types of Shells

Egg Shells
Egg shells in the dream represent your comfort zone.

To see bomb shells relate to a pent up explosive energy. Perhaps you are afraid of certain problems or issues that have been held up for too long. Things will inevitably take a surprisingly worse turn.

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