Arguing Dream Meaning – Top 9 Dreams About Argument

To dream that you are arguing with people in general, indicates that you are resolving some internal conflict and unsettled issues in waking life. These issues tend to be more emotional and baseless. These issues reflect ideas and opinions that these people represent. The professions that these individuals hold may have deeper meanings as well. Pay attention to your own emotions, context, and items of arguments to get better ideas of how the dream should be interpreted.

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Dream About Arguing with People You Know

A simple heated argument in dreams, reflect your anger and revolt towards someone in waking life. Perhaps you disagree with how they have acted or said in waking life, but you are either afraid to confront them in waking life, or you are subconsciously practicing the different potential scenarios of arguments.

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Dream About Hearing Other People’s Arguments

To dream that you hear about other people’s arguments outside or on the street, indicates that there are unresolved feelings and negotiations being encountered in waking life. The dream world is hinting that you need to take note of these occurrences and interactions. It is a warning that you must not walk into these arguments without mentally prepared. You may be pulled into other people’s business and their emotional exchanges.

Dream About Argument with Mother or Father

An argument with mother, father, or deceased parents, is a sign that you are having strong internal conflicts against your upbringing and family values taught by them. Perhaps you wish to try and do something new and nontraditional, but you are worried about how your elders will think of you.

Dream About Argument with Best Friend

An argument with best friend, points to some type of relationship struggles that you will soon experience with people close to you.

Dream About Argument with Stranger

To argue in a dream with a random stranger, indicates that you will have a strong opinion about certain issue. However, this issue does not really mean much. Perhaps you are expressing your opinions and argue for argument’s sake.

Dream About Arguing with Ex

Dreaming that you argue with an ex boyfriend or ex girlfriend, is a reflection of your trust and confidence issues. Perhaps you have encountered certain similar issues that reminded you of your past relationship, and your subconscious mind is processing through the events. Perhaps you are more emotional than you would like, and those feelings of past negativity is impacting your current or future intimacies.

Dream About Arguing with Husband or Wife

To dream that you argue with husband or wife, indicates that you feel unsettled in waking life and can’t make a decision. You are torn between desires and sacrifices that you have to do in marriage. Certain decisions will have to be made about what is expected of you and what you really want out of life.

Dream About Argue with Brother or Sister

Dreaming that you argue with brother and sister, is a reflection of not liking someone else’s ideas. However, his or her comments or ideas may have been made for the best of you. But the dream suggests that they do not know the big picture of why you have done certain things, even though you are very alike to people in your social circle, you will still have your differences.

Dream About Closed Door Arguments

Hearing arguments behind closed doors or next to the wall, represents issues that are not being openly discussed or knowledge. If the arguments involves you, it suggests that certain important information or decision has been held from you. You feel overlooked and your ideas are insignificant to make any real changes. If the arguments do not involve you personally, it is a sign for you to pay more attention towards the relationship of others, major changes might occur in your family and organization if you know where to look for the signs.

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