Dream Meaning Database Introduction
Use the best dream meaning book to uncover detailed dream interpretations and their hidden symbols. We have archived over 7,000+ specific dreams in 700 main themes. Easy & Free Interpretations.
Best Dream Meaning (Dream-Meaning.net) is the best free online dream dictionary resource book. We are here to help you decipher common dream meaning a-z.
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Find out what your dreams might mean and how to get the most out of these findings. Our thousands of dream interpretation answers are ever-expanding, with many more interpretations every day. Use these common dream meanings to look up and understand how they relate to your everyday waking life.
Wonder what your dreams are telling you and the significance of them? We are the expert here to guide you psychologically and spiritually! Use the best dream dictionary to help you find “what does my dream mean A-Z.” They will help you explain your dreams online and offer a method to analyze dreams for free.
Dream Interpretation Answers
What is a meaning of a dream?
Dreams are made of a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person’s mind during rem sleep. If you wonder what your dreams actually mean when you have recurring dreams about someone or something, dreams are reflections of your aspirations, ideals, purpose, desires, and fears. In a good dream, your subconscious is indulging in certain fantasies that are greatly desired. In a nightmare, your mind is practicing through a vision of bad case scenarios.
Certain signs of dreams have universal symbols that might not be apparent or straightforward. More often than not, dream interpretation foretells a “possibility” of a future that you must prepare for. It does not mean that your desires, worries, and fears will always come true. You need to heed their warnings and make proper choices in waking life. Your goal is to make good dreams coming true. Avoid bad dreams from realizing.
It is not true that if you dream of someone, they dream of you. It relates more towards your personal desire for a deeper connection or relationship with that person. Always focus on the idea of self-discovery and realization while analyzing your dreams. Dreams are a uniquely personal manifestation of the psyche and ego.
In Christian or biblical dream interpretation analysis, dreams can have more than one meaning. In fact, there are multiple dream meanings. Relate your personal recurring or unique dream to the Bible. And you can find how it applies to your faith for the best understanding. Use the dream dictionary a to z to get started.
Why Dream Interpretation?
Dreams about powerful subconscious events to help you better understand your own emotions. Your mind is always working and sorting out information to come up with solutions. A series of events and images that happen in your mind when you are sleeping. Your amazing brain processes information through visual imagery to form hidden connections.
By understanding and interpreting your dreams, you can better understand yourself to make sense of any strange or not likely events. In a sense, you have the power to realize your true potential and make your dream come true through proper guidance. You can improve your waking life beyond your wildest dreams.
In a good dream, you form yourself through ambition, aspiration, and good intentions. In a bad dream or nightmare, you lose yourself through missing aims and objectives. Your desires in waking life backfire and force you to admit defeat. Dreams are really the way that your body and mind reconcile the perfect balance of force.
Can your dreams be trying to tell you something?
Yes, your dreams are always trying to tell some truth. They are a reflection or process of your mental and subconscious state. They reflect feelings that you do not recognize or have compartmentalized. Never brush off your dreams as a one-off event. Consider them as a series and collections of emotions that lead to the imageries and pictures.
Do dreams come true if you remember them?
Dreams do not necessarily come true when you remember them. You increase the chances and odds of them coming true. By remembering your dreams, you reaffirm your emotions and align your waking life actions with the internal feelings. This suggests that you definitely want to remember and act out on those scenarios if you have good or positive dreams. The reverse is true; if you have certain bad dreams or thoughts, you wish to forget about them, so you do not accidentally sabotage yourself.
How to Interpret Your Dreams
Generally speaking, your dreams are a hybrid product of highly personal and private experiences. Always prioritize your true feelings and reactions about the subjects. Do not simply rely on the dream dictionary definitions. For example, a cat may have completely different interpretations. Think about people who are cat lovers or allergic to cats.
According to many published sources, our dream analysts and interpreters at Dream-Meaning.net use the generally accepted symbols and interpretations. To figure out “how do I interpret my dream?” you will need to conduct your own study and research to understand truly. Below we will describe some of our dream analysis processes.
Different Types of Dreams
As a dream analyst, your first task to understanding your dreams is to figure out how they relate to your waking life. Use your personal experiences and emotions to get a personalized interpretation. Then utilize common dream symbols that can serve to guide you. It is important to use dream journaling to discover a pattern to the language of dreams. There are three main types of dreams.
Premonition Dreams:
The premonition dreams foretell a possibility of a future. Your future is not set in stone. However, these types of dreams unveil a potential future if you follow your path in real life. Use them as either motivation or warning before making important decisions.
Emotional Dreams:
The emotional dreams mirror your waking life emotions. They reflect strong desires such as fear, sex, love, happiness, and more. They relate to certain emotional desires that you lack or mental hardships that you wish to avoid. These types of dreams relate to the current waking life that you are experiencing.
Memory Dreams:
The memories that appear in dreams are your psyche replaying the lessons or memories of your past. Perhaps your mind is reminding you of the good times in the past. Or they are a warning sign to guide you in the right direction.
Dreaming About People, Animals, or Objects
To find the answers to your dreams, consider all the dream symbols that appear. They almost always reflect certain individuals or hint at certain events in waking life. Your brain creates unconscious connections between different items. Dreams act as the bridge or door into a glimpse of your subconscious. Use them to analyze how you truly feel about certain individuals or circumstances in your life.
Your Own Actions Within the Dream
Lastly, think about what you are doing or what is happening to you in the dream. Your psyche is doing self-reflection about your own waking life actions. For example, a dream of falling suggests that you may feel powerless in waking life. You are falling into a rut that you cannot get out of. Use your actions to find your personal dream interpretation answers.
Can a Dream Kill You?
Generally, dying in dreams will not kill you, however, if you have other underlying health conditions like heart or breathing problems. Nightmares can induce heart attacks.
What happens if you die in your dream and don’t wake up?
If you do not wake up immediately after death in your dream, it is a sign that you will need to learn about certain mistakes. The dream world is hinting that you are undergoing certain changes or transformations. You have second chances at something. If you feel yourself leaving the body, you will need to look at the situation from other perspectives.
Why, when you die in a dream, you wake up?
Dying is a stressful mental state that generally interrupts your sleep cycle. It will raise your heart rate and experience an adrenaline rush from either fear or perceived pain. These dreams are generally more memorable because of the intense feelings that you encounter.
How long does a dream last in real-time?
The length of a dream varies by person and by the dream. In real-time, they could last as little as a few seconds or 20~30 minutes. However, the dream time that you experience can be as long as months or years. Time flows differently in the dream world than in real-time.
12 Common Dreams and What They Mean
These most common dreams reveal your unconscious desires and wishes. Let’s take a closer look at what these common dream themes and symbols really mean.
Evaluations like Test at School, or Interview for a New Job
The dream reveals an underlying fear of failure. You are going through certain stressful experiences where you are being evaluated. Deep down, you feel unprepared for the challenges of waking life.
Cheating and Affairs
Cheatings and having affairs in the sex dreams point to certain problems in your waking life relationship. It warns about issues with trust, loyalty, and communication. One of you isn’t getting what you need from the relationship.
Famous People
Seeing and spending time with famous people in the dream; suggests that you want those people’s character in your waking life. You wish to be recognized.
Running Late
Being late in the dream suggests that you have a certain deadline in waking life.
Pregnancy in the Dream
Being pregnant suggests that you are developing in some area in real life. It can relate to a new relationship, a project, or a hobby.
Naked in Public
Being naked in public points to inadequacy in daily life. You feel like a phony. You are afraid to reveal your imperfections and shortcomings. Be aware of vulnerability and exposure.
Being Chased
Being chased in the dream points to past and current trauma. You are hiding from certain emotions like anger or passion. Consider the dream symbols for what is chasing you. It could also relate to certain people, addiction, or debts.
Teeth Falling Out
Dreaming about losing teeth can relate to losing power. You are losing the ability in real life to bite through and assert yourself. Perhaps you are concerned about your strength and ability. Certain transitions are taking place that make you wonder about your own competence.
Becoming Powerful
Becoming powerful in the dream world can point to opposite effects in the real world. Your mind is compensating you for being powerless while awake.
Meeting Dead People
To see yourself meeting deceased relatives in the dream showcases the healing power of the mind. You are taking comfort in spending time with loved ones in the dream world. You are closing up certain unfinished business.
Dying in the dream points to distressing experiences that will soon end. Your mind is processing the inevitable passage of time. Dying can either predict or really draw out your fear of failure and missing out.
Flying in the dream suggests that you are expressing freedom from all restraints. You are getting positive feelings of pleasure and breaking away from social norms. Exciting and liberating times will soon come. You have a strong desire to flee or escape from the realities of life.
Memphis Odom
In my opinion it is very interesting theme. I suggest you it to discuss here or in PM.
I heared that crap too when I was falling asleep. Not recently though.
I got an excellent response. Very interesting.
last night I dreamt of a pregnancy and then a birth i don’t know why I dreamt this the baby was gone in my dreams i don’t know why i dreamt of a birth when I’m of age to old to carry a baby I have had 3 children Im 52 years ago now the dream was a baby boy was strange that i dreamt this birth
Rachael Clarke
I dreamt that I had a cricket living under the nail inside of my right big toe.
Thanks, +
I dreamed that I was picking large snails into my car. Can someone please explain to me the meaning and possible solutions
Sharing musical instruments with new neighbor
I had a dream I went into a house full of chicken poop and I ran out of the room it also stain my hand
My mum dreamed that I was walking with her somewhere then she met a friend of hers and had a chat but I am not the social type i stayed back. She later joined her friend in their car to her destination. Halfway through she realized i wasn’t with them in the car so she tried calling my phone to tell me to pick a car and join them halfway but I didn’t pick up. She tried looking for me everywhere but I was no where to be found.
i dream been chased
I was given a building or a business
I was given a building or a business
Hi all, i recently had a dream at early morning. I was in my working place with my friend and somebody is opening our door we can hear that somebody is opening the door but we couldn’t go and find who is that because we were in work. later we went and saw . There is a small girl child aged between 2 to 4 with a nose ring standing at the door. I asked her where did she came from and I checked the main door but it was closed. I was wondering how this girl came here mysteriously and i kept asking questions like where she came from and how did she came there and about her parents she was not answering anything but staring my face. Eventually I carried her and went outside to seek some help. one known person of mine is asking the girl how she came there she replied like she didn’t want to go to anybody’s house that’s why she came there. That’s all i am remembering about the dream. what does it indicated. is it about good luck or bad luck, what does it mean. can someone tell me?
There are no tree dream meanings here, but here goes.
Last night, I had a very lucid dream about dead elm trees being blown down in a storm. No damage was done. I went out and started to chop the wood up and stack it, and other people came to help. Then we had a kind of impromptu picnic.
My immediate thoughts are: clear the ‘dead wood’ out of my life, and, associate with helpful people.
I dreamed that I died and was buried. I could see myself trying to get up but was bounded. I could move a little, but only from side to side. after trying for a while., there was the sound of trumpets blowing and a bolt of lightening hit my body and I was standing outside of my grave. The melodious trumpets continue to sound and everyone outside of their graves started running toward a double door that was opened screaming run toward the door. I noticed that my brother, who is still living, was beside me and we were running toward the doors which were slowly closing. As we were getting close to the door, my brother made it out and was holding it for me. Just as I made it through the door closed. People left inside were begging to be let out. Outside were many people standing and the second trumpet sounded,
We all were caught up flying through the air into and ended up in a huge mansion of white shining walls. We were taken on a tour of the mansion and assigned our own room. Once I entered mine, it turned into a mansion of its own. Then I woke up.
What does this mean?
When I was in hospital for kidney stones, I dreamt that I could not leave hospital because I couldn’t find two shoes that matched, all shoes I found were for left foot only. I tried to force a shoe to fit on other foot but was very uncomfortable so I kept searching & searching…
I dreamed of going in the bank to withdraw some money but found they were already closed and Iast time I dreamed of getting money from a cashier but something came up and I left the bank without the money and these days I dream of the bank I don’t know why please help me what does it mean because am abroad can not go and check my money there
I dreamed my sister point a guy at me trying to shoot me
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I had a dream where l was trapped in a room where the windows had bars on them.As l was in the room snakes started appearing everywhere and some were on the metal bars on the windows.l was very scared so l hung on the metal bar that was above and distracted the snakes somehow from the window.l managed to break the metal bars on the window and managed to escape.As l was walking away l realised that the smallest snake had bit my finger and l was removing the poison somehow.l then started to walk going somewhere. I had a dream where l was trapped in a room where the windows had bars on them.As l was in the room snakes started appearing everywhere and some were on the metal bars on the windows.l was very scared so l hung on the metal bar that was above and distracted the snakes somehow from the window.l managed to break the metal bars on the window and managed to escape.As l was walking away l realised that the smallest snake had bit my finger and l was removing the poison somehow.l then started to walk going somewhere. I had a dream where l was trapped in a room where the windows had bars on them.As l was in the room snakes started appearing everywhere and some were on the metal bars on the windows.l was very scared so l hung on the metal bar that was above and distracted the snakes somehow from the window.l managed to break the metal bars on the window and managed to escape.As l was walking away l realised that the smallest snake had bit my finger and l was removing the poison somehow.l then started to walk going somewhere.
I had a dream where l was trapped in a room where the windows had bars on them.As l was in the room snakes started appearing everywhere and some were on the metal bars on the windows.l was very scared so l hung on the metal bar that was above and distracted the snakes somehow from the window.l managed to break the metal bars on the window and managed to escape.As l was walking away l realised that the smallest snake had bit my finger and l was removing the poison somehow.l then started to walk going somewhere.
I dreamt of killing two house flies with a short time. What does that mean?
big bed
I was fighting someone (probably my enemy), and I win. I get like a symbol on my arm after I won. There were a couple female guards nearby that were wolf like, and I said take me back or I fight you. The wolf goes do not pick a fight with your emotions, you will not win. Next thing I knew, I was on a beach, with a wise man telling me to let my soul be like the water. Calm. Then I walked into a room with like a nun doing dark magic, and then i just went off on her (dont remember what it was about). But that’s it because my alarm clock went off 🙁
I agree with you, thanks for an explanation. As always all ingenious is simple.
Hi, am grace, I dreamt an old fashioned bus with ahardbox body crushing on my business and after it was lifted with no body harmed but when I asked the driver to pay back for my loss he wanted to crush me I jumped on the window butthe threw me and before I landed down I wake up. What does it mean. This was after I lost all my capital yesterday what does it mean?
I have reoccurring dreams of being lost. Walking, driving, in malls, in cities, in large buildings, in airports, in neighborhoods, ect. I also have reoccurring dreams of my husband, who has been dead for 25 years, with different women. A lot of the time, the women are pregnant. All the dreams are vivid, and when I wake up I feel very upset and down. Since I have them so often, it’s beginning to bother me. esp. the ones of being lost. I fear that it may be about my life after death.
If you have a personal with Jesus Christ you don’t have to worry about that! 🙏✝️
2 pilchards on a small plate what does it meanmm
I had a dream about getting back with my abusive ex. I have an epo filed on him and everything. On the dream he was just as mean and hateful as when we were together. And kept putting my feelings and needs off. Then I remember getting some of my stuff back and my mom and brother being there. And me trying to leave then I woke up. I felt it was wrong the whole time and woke up rather quickly
i dream about my late maternal grand mother holding a goat which was fone in coulor & had white spots .she said why is your mother letting struggle with the kids milk .milk this goat
Hi.i dreamt that my son stole US$ and a uniform from a foreigner.what does it mean?
I dream that the hole earth take over by cars bump to bump the dragon flying all over the earth dirt covering the earth I could hear the sound of people saying no one can move
dreaming of two snake who was inside the house
Dreaming of snake usually means pregnancy.
I had a dream last night that has worried me since my lifelong friend passed away a couple of years ago she was only in her 50’s it devastated me.
Anyway I dreamt that she came up behind me I did not see her I just knew it was her, she put her arms around me and next thing I felt like I was going up and I felt very weird I think I pulled back from her as I knew she was taking me to heaven!.
I would love to know what it means.
I have a dream,can someone explain the meaning of my dream.I dream of a dead lady giving me white powder with two small green leaves on top .she gave it to me in my right hand.email.denmarkhaize77@gmail.com
I have a dream,can someone explain the meaning of my dream.I dream of a dead lady giving me white powder with two small green leaves on top .she gave it to me in my right hand.
I dreamt that I was at my boyfriend house n a girl came knocking at the door when he answered n saw that it was her he ran inside the room n start to beg her for forgiveness while she was just smiling n I was crying. I saw her face clearly. email: Shaunakaybeckford88@gmail.com
Have you ever heard of smoking sage? Don’t do it. It’s laced with cocain.
I dreamed a big arm and hand apears out of no where. It was a very short dream, more like a vision.
I dreamt about giving a colleague’s baby different types of shoes when they came visiting.please reply
I dreamt about giving a colleague’s baby different types of shoes when they came visiting.
I have a dream plz tell me its meaning..
Some guru came to me with a blank coconut shell and I saw my face reflection clearly in that.he said this is ur reflection.my reflection feeling shy and giving weird expression,i said to guru that its not mine and shouted and said now look at it.. suddenly my reflection changed to God kaali.
This may mean that you have a bad view of yourself and wish you were someone else. But this dream can have many meanings depending on how this relates to you in your own life.
Hi there,
I have a question.
I have very vivid dreams. I use them as inspiration for my books. one that i am using is a dream where i am an explorer and need to enter a pyramid and go around the dead bodies with spirits attacking me. that one is from years ago, but yesterday i had a terrible nightmare where i was in church and this preist was assualting one of my sisters. there were these translusent window panes they were behind so i could just see their sillouetes. i was running to go and protect her when another priest (both of these men are priests that i know) came out of nowhere and instead of helping me asked me what my plan was because i had no way to actually protect myself. it was that moment where i woke up. does anyone else have dreams like this where you get such an extreme adreniline rush that when you wake up you are entirely awake? because i woke up and immedialy started a court hearing in my brain defending myself for killing that preist. i don’t know, i have a very active imagination.
I dreamed about bursting of various parts of land and the lava coming out of the land .at that time only my house was safe
If you are an explorer in your dreams this usually means you are searching for something to fulfill a need or want you may have, it can also mean that you are lost and are looking for a place to belong. The dead bodies and spirits that are attacking you can also mean that you have some things you regret doing in the past that you are running from, or that you are mourning over a dead relative and are afraid it may have been your fault.
The part about your sister could be that you are afraid something bad might happen to your sister, or that something bad may actually happen to your sister, and that you are very protective over your family. And the priests that you know cannot be trusted in real life probably in this story and in real life, or it reflects that you don’t trust them, or that they don’t trust you.
about my husband we were working outside around a big tree with some wholes and he slid down this whole and i tried to get help and the more tried things where keeping me from getting back to the whole. my husband has been dead for 10 years
I dreamt my uncle was blind, but had daredevil like powers and it was hard to notice if he was blind
My husband passed 1 Year ago. Since then I’ve had 2 dreams that I can relate to my situation of being alone after 56 yrs of marriage. In the first dream my husband was in it but at a visible distance from me, not ever touching me but seeming to hover around me giving me comfort. In that dream, he left me with the impression that I’d be ok. The most recent dream I had was about renovating an old two-story house. In my dream, I seemed happy and excited about my future home. There were two people helping me do the work. a sister-in-law and a fellow, a carpenter, whom I knew as a casual family friend in real life ( but is gone now too). In my dream, we’re cleaning and repairing the old house. The man person was smiling at me and made some sort of nice comment to me while we were working in the same room together. I seemed to hesitate but then I smiled at him and walked over to him and gave him a quick kiss and as I turned to walk away he said he loved me! When I awoke from this dream I felt a sense of mourning and stress leave my body.
Please reply to my email ( with your thoughts on my dreams. TY. Rosalie
I had 3 clarinets chasing me
April Boleman
What does it means if someone is trying to suffocate you and you can’t get your scream out in your dream, but it wakes you up?
Happened several times already.
What could it possibly man?? Thank
I heared that crap too when I was falling asleep. Not recently though.
I had a dream about me getting kidnapped and ended up being held hostage while in a street alley, but apparently in the dream I got saved by a backrooms entity named Entity 832, or better known as Pinhead. he killed that strange kidnapper. I don’t remember what the kidnapper looked like at all however. All I saw was that the kidnappers head was gone due to Pinhead biting it off completely. And then Pinhead grabbed me and I then got transported to a bedroom afterwards. I didn’t see Pinhead anywhere in the bedroom at all though. I tried to look for him everywhere in the bedroom, but he wasn’t anywhere in it.
Hi, I wanted to know your price.
Very strange dream alert.
So I was in a church and my son was playing with a toy that broke, as I asked him to bring it back I turned away and when I turned back he had turned into my younger brother.
My brother was looking down the aisle as white as a sheet to the church doors and walking in was his dead father (my stepfather) who died when my brother was very young and he was in a blue service suit with a hat under his arm. He was never in that type of job.
Behind him were my two sisters and my mother who were all dressed in the same outfit of a white dress and white hat.
They told me that as my mum has been ill they were unsure as to when she might die so they were getting prepared.
I have to add that one of my sisters and my brother were of their current age in my dream but their father died when they were very young and my mum hasn’t been ill.
My dead father told me to “Don’t waste time saving the dog, save your daughter”
some one cut my cheek and then eat what is the meaning?
I remember my dream quite clearly….we were in a house with people talking to other it was like a hum. I heard a strange noise and went outside. There was a fawn coloured cat wth back arched back spitting and hissing as this small snake. I picked cat in my armed and snake just went away. Walking into garden carryng cat in arms and talking to it saw the end of snake with its pointy tail slither into bush. I remember telling cat see he has gome and you do not have to worry then I woke up still feeling cat in my arms(Freda Grossman)
I am not sure where you’re getting your information, but great topic. I needs to spend some time learning much more or understanding more.
Thanks for fantastic information I was looking for this information for my mission.
I was outside and saw a doe and fawn being attacked by a bear, then a dog showed up and tried to protect them. Soon, some coyotes came and got the bear to chase them. Coyotes and bear all came toward me. I backed away on some stairs when a coyote came up the stairs near me and looked frightened. Then the bear and all coyotes were coming at us and I woke up.
Hi, I wanted to know your price.
I have dreamed twice that I’m asleep in the recliner and someone comes up behind me and starts choking me. It’s very real and I seem to be aware that it’s a dream and I need to wake up but I can’t. I can’t breathe, I’m trying to wake myself but my eyes won’t open! Eventually I reach up to the person’s arm(s) and manage to call my husband’s name and wake myself up! My husband died 5 months ago.
Ciao, volevo sapere il tuo prezzo.
I am not sure where you’re getting your info, but great topic. I needs to spend some time learning more or understanding more.
Thanks for excellent info I was looking for this information for my mission.
I am always dreaming of being lost in one way or another
A dream where emerald cut stones appeared as entrance markers to our property. Can’t recall anything else but that but stays with me.
i dreamed i lost all my money on a bus and no one wanted to help get back my missing shopping bag also a friend humiliated me in the same dream.
Dream of snake in bed at the bottom of my feet what it telling me? Thank you!
I dreamt I was looking for a disturbed young man. I was running barefoot along a stony beach on a cold day and saw him in the distance. When I caught up with him he had a knife at his throat threatening to kill himself. I told him over and over kill me instead.
I had this really weird dream where this GIANT sour patch kid was chasing me, he was around 12 ft. tall. For some reason my dad was with me and we were in a car driving away from the monster. that was probably the most weird but scary dream I’ve had in a very long time.
Husband selling his clothes!
Trying to cross river or height hill
I’ve been working in a bed and breakfast off the coast of Georgia and I stay in the deceased Grandmothers suite.. The house was built in the late 1800’s and has been handed down ownership through the family several times.. Well I was in charge of installing fire sprinklers in this houses ceilings and therefore we had to cut trenches into this 2-1/2”thick 1800 era plaster with wood lathing to install the piping in the subfloors.. At first staying in Granny’s room wasn’t so bad for the first two to three weeks.. But as the Constuction got more intense into drilling and cutting 200 year old wood rafters of complete lighter knot pine the more the I guess nightmares occurred.. Or were they really nightmares at all?
I would be in a sound sleep on my back which I never sleep that way to have this ghost like woman with a very white almost skeleton like face use the covers on the bed to pin me down while screaming at the highest pitch voice i have ever heard in my life.. I could literally feel her breath on my face and with the inability to move my arms or lower body as if I was in a paralysis state and the covers were being pushed against my throat to the point I couldn’t breath.. I am awake or it appears because I can see the low light of the candle still burning on the dresser and I can see her after I awake or was I awake then but I know I didn’t go back to sleep that night and several nights to follow.. This went on for weeks but not every night and it got so bad I found myself purposely getting smashed on booze just to pass out so I couldn’t be awakened by this horrible nightmare or whatever it was.. As the job went on I found myself sleeping more during the days and staying awake more at night and raising concerns about my punctuality.. So after taking a trip home for the weekend and returning back that Monday they put me in a different room with my apprentice that had two really small beds.. I don’t know if it was that very cold and darkened room of that house of negative energy or was it the Gypsy Ghost of Grandma Lucy Ferguson? Or was it a reoccurring dream ?
Please someone give me some closure on this. I need to know why this happened to me and why a grown man had to call him mother in the middle of the night holding back tears,just to hear her voice to ask if she was alright.. Any explanation at all would help ease my mind some on this experience.. Thank You so much for taking the time to help me..
Dreamed that I was lost in a big city and fell over a railing in a tall building. While falling I was thinking I didn’t want to die and managed to break the fall by grabbing onto the side of an escalator. Then someone was speaking to me in real life so woke up.
Dreamt of my grandson with a sad face standing with a girl also sad my grandson is gay with a great job
I have a recurring dream of my deceased husband. He looks exactly like when we first met but he doesn’t recognize me. He is always with a girlfriend or group of friends & I try to talk to him but he ignores me. I tell him we were married for 23 years but he tells me that he has never seen me before & to go away. This upsets me so what does this dream mean? Jane Kelly
In the last two nights both of my grandchildren were sleeping with me and they jumped out of bed running into the kitchen screaming my name.
i dreamt when am falling from a high point and after some time, i climbed past were i was
when i was fallin
I dreamt I was in a concert but every time I stood up I went dizzy even the choir mistress checked to see if I had alcohol on my breath. I do not drink. I woke up in a panic
I have dreamt that I had dropped my husband off and said I would go and find parking then all of a sudden I am driving up a hill that has crossed over tram tracks many of them I am wondering how I am here thinking I should not be driving up here but there is no way I can reverse then I see a stationed car on the tram tracks at the top of the hill which shouldn’t be there as trams will be coming.
I had a dream of
my crush and I’m pregnant at amusement Park what does it mean?
Last night I had a dream that something jumped on my bed, and walked right up in the middle me and my husband like an animal. We have no animals!
Real world: A friend and I spent weeks removing old carpeting and padding from my house, revealing a worn, but fairly good white oak hardwood floor. I have been widowed twice since I’ve lived here and neither wife has ever seen the hardwood floor, they have only seen the old, nasty carpeting. As I mentioned both wives died, 2004 and 2021. This is the real life I am in, I am really pleased with how it looks..
Dream: I invited a number of friends and family over to show how the house looked now. I was so proud! But the night before everybody was to come over, the same, nasty carpet was all there, reinstalled, as if I never touched. Nobody believed me that it had been taken out. I looked in my phone, on facebook, for pictures of the carpeting gone. No, not a one, but lots more pictures of the dirty, old carpeting, eventually all my guests left in disgust.
I am in a court setting about to testify, I am surrounded by prisoners who feel threatening to me, feels like darned if I speak & darned if I dont
Dream about eating chip wood and spitting them out and talk to my freind and his wife!
Dream about eating chip wood and spitting them out and talk to my freind and his wife!
I am in a court setting about to testify, I am surrounded by prisoners who feel threatening to me
In my dream I parachuted out of an civilian airplane after my deceased father-in Law, after (4) seconds neither his chute nor mine opened. I tried to get closer to him before I pulled my reserve but he was too far a head of me and the ground to close when I pulled my reserve chute: out came hairnets! (Still in plastic) I held them over my head saying:” you got to use what you got”! Latter in the dream I landed safely and told my father in law that was my first Hano (High Altitude No opening) the end
Large skinny dog
I had a dream that a picture of my face was on a wall, and someone was pinpointing my flaws, what could this mean?
I dreamt that I recieved a large package with my name on it, what does that mean?
I had a dream that an eagle was flying close to me and I held out my arm, as if I’ve done it before. The eagle landed on my arm and sat there for a short time and then flew off.
I dreamed of a silver snake that was in the room I was trying to get it out. It slithered across the room and wrapped it’s self around a link bird. They disappeared and then I saw a gold snake. My late brother in law was there too. And my two children were also with us in the room .We saw lions through the window I went to close the door. It was a stable door as I peered over the bottom half I saw a male lion and few others just outside the door. I told my family to be careful of the snake as it disappeared and we did not know if it was poisonous or not. Then my late brother in law asked if he could have some breakfast cereal I took out the weetabix and triple chocolate breakfast he said that he did not want Westside as he only has that were he is. Then I was up
I drempt of a person coming in with a black vail over there face
i dreamt about the goat and cattle running from something. after the white beautiful horse was running towards me and stand in front of me then i saw a very big volcano on the mountain.people came and ask me to go a look at what had happened and we found the mountain was having a big black hole caused by the volcano
I dreamt that there was lots of diffferent shoes lined up in a row along the top of a wall.
What could this mean please?
This is an answer to ‘someones’ wedding dream. Idont kno if it were a female or a male. They didn’t state their gender. I found their particular dream endearing & awfully funny (in a macabre sort ofway)
Anyhow., here goes! I don’t know. But I’m curious to know………….what¿ …. do YOU think it means? It’s incredibly interesting & at the same time quite comically hilarious. Sortof slapstick-y, don’t you think? I hope you’re not offended. Because it’s, the type of fare that I dream of too.
Had a dream got out of a car a crazy wind picked up and a concert was blasting in the distance i then go inside a house and its a huge party but everyone was beefing and angry at each other. I began yelling at everyone and end up leaving to go see my dogs (my dog, my gf dog and some random dog). I take the random to a vet because of an emergency and my dog began bleeding from its eyes. I hop in a car with a asian couple, fat white woman, and a shadow man. We get out and the asian couple offer me experimental drugs. I try them and become hungry. I turn around to the asian lady taking a bite out of her bfs knee. I run and wake up to three strikes of lightning right next to my house
To be honest although it may be hard to believe I had a dream were I saw the goddess of the seas statue and I was mixed in a timeline between the ancient and 1800s to be honest I didn’t say much in my dream because all I could do was watch and listen then suddenly I was on an island with a woman sitting on the beach and the goddess of the sea was staring at her they were having a conversation but I couldn’t hear what they were saying until the woman looked at me and said help me.
I dreamt of someone offering me and my husband dead and already sliced fishes ready to be smoked.
My dream was lost because I forgot to hit post, I put my name down,, I don’t want to write it again
It was me and one of my colleague where standing and suddenly I had match stick on my right-hand and took his right-hand side, while he was standing in front of me with a smile I start lighting him from the palm of his hand towards his left arm. The fire just lighting him a sentiment in his arm until the match stick off which left the fire marks on him (a yellow orange, in color) but there was no harm done on him while he was standing watching the match fire with a smile on his face.
My oldest son had a dream that we were walking and all of a sudden he looked over and I became a demon with glowing eyes and chased him to a fence and he thought that he was hiding in between buildings and stuff and I couldn’t get him down but as soon as he was right there I was right next to him And he said boy you’re fast
Hola, queria saber tu precio..
I have dreamed this twice. I am picking out small white worms from my feet. What does this mean?
I also dreamt of my president Yoweri Kaguta Museveni when he invited me at his home and he praised me
I did dream of the Russian President coming from the nearby bush and found me with my mother and he asked us to make the local brew and spoke my local language to us which make me more excited and evidently clapped my hands how wonderful it was seeing him and speaking my language. I am in Uganda, East African country
Over the last few weeks I have been having a reoccurring dream that I die in a car crash, although I don’t experience the crash but subconsciously I know its a crash.
The dream starts when I get to where ever it is you go when you die, and I meet my mum (who passed a little over 3 years ago)
She proceeds to always berate me for what I am wearing to die, telling me it is a special occasion and how I haven’t seen her for so long I could and should have made an effort with my outfit.
I will continuously say to her that “I was travelling from work or I was only going to the shop and didnt need to be dressed specifically for those tasks and didnt know I was going to die so couldn’t dress for her” but she will not accept this and tells me to try again.
At this point I usually stop dreaming, I dont wake though in most instances.
She was never the type to judge appearances alive or tell me not to wear certain clothes or such, so it is out of character in my dream.
Over the last few weeks I have been having a reoccurring dream that I die in a car crash, although I don’t experience the crash but subconsciously I know its a crash.
The dream starts when I get to where ever it is you go when you die, and I meet my mum (who passed a little over 3 years ago)
She proceeds to always berate me for what I am wearing to die, telling me it is a special occasion and how I haven’t seen her for so long I could and should have made an effort with my outfit.
I will continuously say to her that “I was travelling from work or I was only going to the shop and didnt need to be dressed specifically for those tasks and didnt know I was going to die so couldn’t dress for her” but she will not accept this and tells me to try again.
At this point I usually stop dreaming, I dont wake though in most instances.
She was never the type to judge appearances alive or tell me not to wear certain clothes or such, so it is out of character in my dream.
Had a dream of my deceased father. He was sitting in a wheelchair. He has never been in a wheelchair. He hugged me and said it would be okay.
Dreaming of a very bad weather, dark clouds, my kids were coming out from the house, the thunder and lightning strike while we were still outside
I am in a XR3 driving around a grave yard looking for my devices grave stone which I can’t find , the person in the car with me Marvin Dingal? The more I drive the furder
We get from the grave yard for some reason I can’t get back .??
Other dream is ,I am sitting in my front room with a fishing rod in my hand, there is a big puddle in the carpet and I keep catching fish ??
Can any one help
Do you watch a lot of TV? I think the catching fish in your living room could symbolise something happening in your living room that is going to bring you great reward / harvest / catch
My friend has seen me twice getting married again. I’m married currently with 2kids.
What could that mean?
When i walk through somewhere. The homeless man suddenly hugged me and i think tickled. When i trying to get out of him he suddenly fly with me and turns into my dad
i dreamnt my room had a ants in a line and flies were flying over the ants and i could smell a very bad smell
I love this dream 🛌 it could be in a horror movie 🍿 🎥 has anybody posed ideas for the symbolism ? Ants 🐜 are known for their super organism powers & dynamics but flies are usually very chaotic so to see them coordinating with the natural order of the ants is very supernatural…. & the smell is very ominous like a dark force at work
My girl dreamed of 2 people knocking on our door. She tries to wake me up, I woke up stood behind her as she opens the opens the door, and when she opens the door there was a short dark man and someone else standing behind him staring at us.
In my recent dream, i dreamt i was outside, there were tigers, lions and leopards all prowling around, just about to attack.
I found a large washing line prop and stopped them attacking and then they turned into the young of them. So cute and cuddly.There were all different types of cubs. Then they disappeared like magic.
It seemed so real but not real.
Wow 🤩 THANKYOU for sharing ! What an amazingly emotional & dramatic sequence of events ❤️🐯❤️Very powerful symbolism at work
I had a dream about this lake me and my family would go too when i was younger, in the dream it was me and my dad we were at the lake and he kept trying too leave me so he got on a boat and speeded away and I got on a boat and tried catching up too him and there was this other boat who was speeding next too me the other boat made a huge wave in front of me and I didn’t have anytime to stop and while I went up the wave the other boat was also up in the wave the driver completely hit me and while I hit the water I hit complete rock bottom of the lake it was the scariest I thought I lived, so I was confused and lost trying to get back to the shore, A few days later my dad was on shore looking for me and then there was cops because of a boating accident and my dad was talking too the cop asking for me he thought I was missing, but once the cop released who the person involved in the boating accident he realized that I was dead and the other driver lived my dad wanted too talk too him and he was so mad because he believed that the other driver caused my death, and i was in shock and sad and just lonely because I believed that I was alive I started kicking everything around me and then I hear this guy coming trying to calm me down and he explained too me about the dead world he was one of the dead too, he explained about the death book where someone in high power gives you a name based on your death, and he told me that the living cant see or hear us, if anything they can sense sprits. A few days later my dad told my mom that I died and she was in tears in the hotel room and I was listening to, sitting in the chair across from the bed that my mom was laying at, my mom and dad were fighting because she believed that if he didn’t try too leave none of that would’ve happened and I was in tears hearing all that happen and then I saw my uncle who passed away in real life he sat next too me and said everything will be okay and I woke up.
I had the same type of dream twice. First dream that we were in the market and i saw my boyfriend with a child that looked like me and I met up with him to reconsile with him it look liked we weren’t together anymore second one I dreamnt that I was walking down the road I saw the child that looked like me and I called to tell him found your baby.and they baby was crying after it heard his voice over the phone it stop and I felt connected to the child and told him I think I love this child … But I don’t think I’m the mother and in the dream didn’t see the mother of the baby.
Very powerful to feel the love for the child that was not your biology 🧬 how beautiful 🤩
So in my dream i was a refugee prisoner me and my sister and like 70 other prisoners one day we got out and was running away getting away during a war we made it outta camp me my sister and everyone else got on a apocalyptic bus and drove into a apocalyptic city was almost out turned a corner saw the twin towers still standing but as we turned the corner our bus got raided by the refugees of that city a tall muscular female cane on the bus shot everyone then came headed towards my sister so i jumped in the way of her she threw me out the way shot my sister in her head and then grabbed me up and Thats when i woke up with my heart racing
That’s very very scary! Did the dream continue when you went back to sleep?
I was in a room, i had just failed my exam so i went and told my younger sister , she said i could pass if i wanted to she took a black tin like cup n told me to say to the cup i want to pass, i said what she told me to say then i saw a white hand inside the cup coming out it it’s finger nails were painted red and the was a lot of black liquid inside the cup. My sister dropped the cup and i ran the black substance was following me some climbed on the bed and covered my sister she was screaming in pain like the substance was burning her, I kept on running but it followed me I slipped and i found the black substance on my thighs it was burning me I screamed in pain
…..that’s all I remember
Wow that is straight out of a horror movie 🎥 amazing to read but it must have been very traumatic. Did it alter your mood the next day?
My dreams really impact my moods
I dreamed of my mother who died two years ago, I dreamed that she was sick and missing we were looking for her and in the end we found out that she is alive and in good health but she was hiding from me because she was upset from me. What does it mean
That’s a really upsetting dream for you to experience. Did it impact your mood the next day/s? Bad dreams really impact my mood I was wondering if others experienced the same issue.
If you believe in spirits I perceive something is trying to mess with your head with all these dark thoughts.
Dream: I felt perplexed in the lobby of a building. It was plain, gray, harsh lines with various hallways extending off the lobby. I walked out the front door. The aging parking lot was empty except for a man in a wheelchair [brown hair, glasses, 30s, wearing a blue Colts football jersey]. I started pushing him to catch up to his wife that was in a crowd a mile ahead. While going over a bridge that connected the parking lot to a country road, I looked over the bridge and saw a river flowing and thought that I wanted to jump and die, but I decided against it. I kept pushing the wheelchair and turned left on the country road at the ‘T’. We were then at a ‘mega church’ building. I searched through the crowd and found his wife, who was also wearing a blue Colts football jersey. After bringing her to him, I walked away and heard him say ‘I knew you were here’.
I was with a small group of women in tattered clothes in a place where there was no grass no trees, just dusty dirt all around. No standing buildings. I felt lost and confused. No men, no children no animals. That’s it, the whole dream.
That’s quite an eery scene. Did it affect your mood the next day/a? My dreams heavily impact my moods.
All the best with the symbolism it’s pretty dark stuff; feels apocalyptic.
My daughter woke up screaming help me I need help.She is 9 yes old
That’s upsetting for a mum. Did you speak to your daughter to ask her the content of her nightmare?
I was standing in this room and in the other room that I was looking into was my mom, father and sister. The roof of the room was closing in like an escape room. And they were just standing there like they had no problem being squished. I was screaming and crying, begging them to get out of the room but they just wouldn’t listen to me. I was to afraid to step into the room to try and force them out so I just stood there crying. The roof started to finally close in to the point where I couldn’t see them anymore but all this sudden I could hear my sister screaming “I changed my mind. Please. Let me out. No, I don’t want to do this anymore.” And I wanted to help her but it was already to late. I tried to out-scream her so that I couldn’t hear my little sister beg for her life but no matter how loud I would’ve screamed I still could hear their bones breaking and their screams. And then I immediately woke up crying.
That made my jaw drop! What a horrifying scene. Did the trauma impact your mood the next day? My dreams heavily impact my moods.
Maybe you are on a righteous path spiritual path & for whatever reason your family is not … I speculate 🧐 🤨 you will be saved they will perish kind of thing .
My dreams just about every time involves my parents and siblings, lost my Always Red) phone, lots of sticky gum caught in my teething houses (sometimes haunted),lost and trying to find my way and going through lots of narrow doors, going down steep steps or walking down higher places, bad behaviors in kids, mad at siblings.
dream i had a baby
I had a dream about ghosts taking over the world. I broke into a girl’s house in an effort to get her to help. Thinking I was a burglar she showed me her butt and challenged me to a martial arts duel. I proceeded to win embarrassingly for her.
I’m single and I’m not pregnant but I kept seeing myself in the dream caring for a baby.
I dreamt I had to pick up my foster mom from a 3rd island. But the other 2 people with me didn’t know the way to get back from the 3rd island.
Then I dreamt riding a police bike and I was a cop and it turned into a white horse.
weight loss transformation
I dreamed my husband and a female friend chased me and turned a demon dog on me to hurt me
I keep having this reoccurring dream in which I’m chasing a white rabbit because I fear it going to die. I’m in a snowy like place. When I finally catch up the rabbit it’s followed by a trial of blood majority of the time and the neck seems mauled out but it’s still trying to run even though it’s paralyzed. Then I’m suddenly in the rabbits point of view looking at what’s suppose to be me but my face is blank. No eyes mouth or anything but there are tears coming out where the eyes should be. I’m watching myself reach for the rabbit but I never get to actually reach myself. While I’m in the rabbits point of view and I can still feel myself trying to get up and run. The snow around me of white like it’s in the day time but the sky is completely black. There is no scenery just snow and black
Wow 🤩 that’s incredible thanks for sharing …. It could be in a movie 🎥….. white is often a symbol of purity; the snow & the rabbit … but the purity has been paralysed & manipulated so
It can not be itself …… a part of you can see deep truth in the rabbit as it were but there is a duality as the other part of you is senselessly (no eyes no ears no nose no mouth etc)in pain (the tears) but I do not know the resolution of this conflict through the dream
I have dreams which are all generally the same. I am wanting to go somewhere, but people and things hold me back from getting there. I cannot find the bus I want to get to where I want to be, or I cannot find the place I want. I get lost when I am looking for where I want to be. And in my dreams I never reach my destination. In one of my dreams I am searching for somewhere and I reach a shop where 3 men are standing outside and I am afraid of them. I have this dream quite often and I always wake up before anything bad actually happens.
What do these dreams mean?
I had a dream seen plenty ants at my back immediately I finished using my guest toilet,d ant are plenty to d extend of irritating me, it’s start FRM my up back to d end of my back,but all of a sudden,i saw my granddaughter at my back,as in I was carrying my granddaughter at my back.and there was no ant in my back again…
I had a dream my brain was chasing me down a red hallway with an axe between the lobes
OMG 😱 that’s so epic yet terrifying… do you have a lot of trauma involving negative or intrusive thoughts in your waking life?
I had a dream that my daughter was raped and even thought i was close to her i couldn’t get to her Lord What does that mean
Dreaming of someone kissing me over and o ver
Hello. And Bye.
I dreamed I was walking with a friend when all of a sudden, far away, an avalanche started coming. As we looked, it got closer and closer so we turned to look behind because we wanted to run, but a smaller one was approaching so we had no where to run. Then my phone rang and woke me up.
My ex.husband who’s married again to someone else came to me in the dream but he was married to his old girlfriend who died many years ago she was very happy why was he coming to me he didn’t say anything just came to me what does it mean
I dreamt of a new born that I don’t know falling from the 4th or 5th storey someone just threw him n I was standing there with someone and we saw the baby falling on a mattress that was on the street and I picked him up he was alive and crying
Hello. And Bye.
My husband starts to talk to me and when he opens his mouth little kids body parts come out till it’s a whole child that look like a younger version of my husband. He looks so sad and I ask him if he is lost and he is just staring at me. And he walks over and takes my hand and the next thing I know we on a bridge over a lake and this child al of a sudden grabs me and him go over the bridge. I woke up but man it was such an intense dream.
Yez it made me feel uneasy too! Thanks for sharing. I wonder if your husband is undergoing a voyage of self discovery & you are picking up on it
I dreamt of going to a home of the needy to help distribute potatoes with a friend. We not welcome bit insisted on helping them to cook potato fries and give them to eat. We did that. A dish full of potatoes was left bit suddenly the potatoes dissappeared and only a few were left in water. I washed them and some were rotten some good. I put them in a plastic bag to carry them home. My friend was not there. She was in the crowd chatting with people as if she left me to finish the job alone. What does the dream mean.
Dream of having a 3 story house with lots of bedrooms I have this dream at least once a year for the last 40 years
My newly rented house was packed into by a stranger
Going back to sleep… but it will continue 🤦🏻♂️
Had a dream I travelled back in time or something, and everyone thought I was really weird because of something I did. They kept excluding or avoiding me, then I was walking around and this hot guy started flirting with me. Everyone else thought he was weird, too, and they left. The guy showed me a secret cave or something in a rock, and let’s just say that things got more intense after that.
Then the dream changed completely, and all of a sudden I was running around in a parking lot, acting completely crazy and screaming “I DON’T KNOW YOU!” to a random lady walking a cat.
Also, I’m pretty sure there was something about a sledding hill somewhere in there.
My dreams never make sense.
Hello. And Bye.
Dreamt about being chased by people I knew as a teenager. In the end I shot and killed the leader or the one being followed by others. Then shot another in the right arm. When I woke my right arm was in terrible pain
Dreamt about old toilet pit in my village regularly
I dreamt about myself from 2 or 3 years ago
I found this website as I am writing a book based on my dreams. I am spiritual and connect with Angels and sometimes loved ones since I was a child and after a accident at age six. I have discovered over the years my healing abilities and I help others through it. I have been going to my writings that started at age nine and now at 61 I’m being shown dreams again that in my past would come true. Now I am dealing with past issues from people in my life that did harmful things and trying to figure out what the dreams want me to know. All I know is to listen to higher self and allow myself to be guided. I’m being told to start writing different books yet at the same time I am feeling the dreams that I am remembering are important for healing things unresolved and to find out answers I need. There are certain characters in the dream that does not yet make sense so I thought I would take notes from this site to help me understand it more.
It’s awesome to pay a quick visit this web page and reading the views of all colleagues concerning this article, while I am also zealous of getting knowledge.
I dreamt that a tiger and wolf were fighting in my backyard and I was yelling call animal control.
my dream was seeing lice in somones head
My husband passed away recently and the day after he died I had a dream of 3 people storming into the house. 2 of them sat on top of the dining chairs eating Cereal while our family portrait was going upside down. Can you interpret
You actually make it seem so easy with your presentation but I find this matter to be actually something which I think I would never understand. It seems too complex and extremely broad for me. I’m looking forward for your next post, I will try to get the hang of it!
It was my error.
hi my dream is I felt the arms of my daughter hugging me , it was so real.
Very amusing message
What words… super, remarkable idea
I am sorry, that has interfered… At me a similar situation. Write here or in PM.
I had a dream last night very graphic on what may have been a university with a large old limestone building with a large grassy park along side at the edge of a large body of water and people milling around, walking, playing, sitting and enjoying day. The government has been watching every one and things felt on the brink of civil war and a battle of good and evil was at play. So when Planes flying a formation like the blue angels appeared and doing aerobatic maneuvers tension and anxiety rose rapidly. Then more planes appeared jets, prop jobs like mustangs, drones and every other military type you could imagine by the hundreds. People began to panic. Military aircraft of all sizes swarming flying like an air show or mock battle almost to a scale like a grand finale fireworks show, the planes then thinned out to few planes for a bit, before droves by the thousands of drones and aircraft unlike planes I have seen before ( UFO type )massive ones, large saucer and discs, some round like balls of all sizes others were small spider like drones. They swooped began to attack military plane returned and engaged. The alien ones were shooting down planes and what seemed like select people in the park, not indiscriminately more like targeted, ground soldiers appeared and took heavy casualties. I felt completely safe like I was fully protected by God and there I was just watching sensing something biblical was happening. I soon walked over to the limestone building which what appeared to be a massive locker room/bathroom it was full of people hiding and soldiers preparing,, wounded receiving help. Many Men using open toilets which looked like concrete tubes the sinks look the same but there where different sizes for different proposes maybe urinals it wasnt clear which was to use for what. (weird). All this time I watching sorting out what was going on and not inclined to engage or interfere as it appeared to be Gods will controlling the battle.
I had a dream about my cousin helping me fix a trailer in which I lived. She specifically was working on fixing a door.
I have this dream where i see people get washed away by the tsunami and i tell people to run to the highest point and this wave always turns around in my feet but the screams of people in agony is traumatic then the wave comes back bigger again and we look for the next highest point and we we outrun it same thing happens turns back around before my feet before it returns for the 3rd time the earth explodes with volcanic activity. the ground sinks to the ground and this wave engulfs the ground, in the end of my dream i stand at the un-sunken island and its just an ocean with a few islands so i have no clue what this dream means. anyone please help my email is bheki.lod@gmail.com
you could try here
I dream a lot my deceased partner is angry with me, he died suddenly in July, I tried heart massage and it didn’t work, in life we argued on and off, but the last few months were perfect, I love him so much
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At this time I am going away to do my breakfast, when having my breakfast coming over again to read further news.
I got this web site from my friend who told me regarding this website and now this time I am browsing this web page and reading very informative articles at this place.
in waking life, i was permanently(?) banned from a group for saying something i now know was very misguided. since then, i’ve had a couple dream in which the person that banned me invited me back like ‘that was just a test. it’s okay for you to rejoin’ and i’m not sure what this may mean
I will know, many thanks for the help in this question.
I got this site from my pal who told me concerning this website and now this time I am visiting this website and reading very informative posts at this place.
I like this site it’s a master piece! Glad I observed this on google.
It is draw?
Yes, it is solved.
Certainly. All above told the truth. Let’s discuss this question.
I suggest you to visit a site on which there are many articles on a theme interesting you.
I have several dreams every night,with an average of at least seven or more per night.each not exceeding ninety minutes. ninety to hundred percent fulfilled.is this normal?.
I was stuck in an elevator that was too narrow and I was desperate
When I was in a dream, I dream that I put water in a bowl to have my bath, so when I come to have my bath I holy see small water in the boll
It has surprised me.
You will not make it.
Excuse for that I interfere … To me this situation is familiar. Let’s discuss.
I dreamt twice someone was sitting on my bed when I was sleeping
An impressive share! I have just forwarded this onto a colleague who had been conducting a little homework on this. And he in fact bought me breakfast simply because I stumbled upon it for him… lol. So allow me to reword this…. Thanks for the meal!! But yeah, thanks for spending some time to talk about this subject here on your web page.
I had a dream were a woman I don’t know gave me a 40liter jarrycain to fesh water for her and she also gave me 50 naira I fesh the water but couldn’t carry it on my head it was so heavy and I wake up
in my dream i was looking for my aunt i guy had took her and i felt like something happened to her like she was dead the town flooded and when i went to look up high from a balconey i looked down in the water to see if i could see her and i thought i seen her floating face down in the water then i looked harder and it was me floating i was dead in the water
Hi there! I just want to give you a big thumbs up for your great information you have right here on this post. I will be returning to your site for more soon.
I have about that my lover was in jail. I did go to visit him but surprised me is that I was so scared to see him and I was that if I can see him I will cry. I ended up not seeing him and left
I had a dream and I was asking my real life girlfriend out in that dream. What does it mean please.
The early origins of coretec might be traced to Sweden, the place it was invented by a pair of enterprising brothers named Robin and Darko Pervan. In 1979, IKEA released the first coretec advanced floors to the public. These products have been made by the Swedish company Perstorp under the trade title Pergo and featured a sturdy particleboard core and an interlocking tongue-and-groove system. Darko Pervan later founded his own firm, secured patents for locking methods and invented glueless coretec pro plus floors.coretec stone manufacturing at the moment is very like it was within the past. Of course, right this moment’s flooring manufacturers used the latest strategies and materials to make flooring that’s virtually unmatched when it comes to durability and versatility. They accomplish this by developing 4-layer planks and tiles from quite a lot of natural and recycled materials.Producers that know learn how to strike the proper stability with these four layers are able to create flooring that offers excessive use and aesthetic value. As you shop, search for data from the manufacturer about what they do at every layer of flooring to make their merchandise superior. Remember that coretec is composed of balancing, core, sample and wear layers.
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If you’re still getting started being a musician, a singer or an artist in general, and you also want to find ways to get into into the music industry but that you do not have more resources to hire a PR business to execute all the music pro motion for you personally, you may actually learn afew music promotion hints to allow you to present your new music and get to out to your fans. With the broad reach of this online now, audio advertising has turned into just a bit easier compared to before.Yes, the most economical way to publicize your music is to employ a music promotion agency or firm but when you are only beginning, below are a few things you can do in order to advertise your own music at minimum cost. – Invest time and effort. Take the reality which promoting your songs if you are a brand fresh head and a brand fresh sound, isn’t just simply putting a site and expecting fans to flock in. Then you have to shell out time and effort to seek out your buffs, if you are not at the point where lovers could find you wherever you hide. Boost on a site which you think your fans frequent. Find. For sure really are present similar to yours. Produce your marketing plan. Whether you are encouraging offline or online, it’s important that you have a marketing approach to help guide you on the manner in which you can accomplish your goals and the thing you want to do next. Without a plan, you may get diverted along together with your attention and also you may not have a management the moment it regards promoting your own music.
Very good post. I definitely love this website. Continue the good work!
Have you ever thought about adding a little bit more than just your articles? I mean, what you say is fundamental and all. However just imagine if you added some great pictures or videos to give your posts more, “pop”! Your content is excellent but with images and video clips, this blog could definitely be one of the best in its niche. Superb blog!
If you’re still getting started being a musician, a singer or an artist in general, and also you also want to find methods to get into into the music industry however, you never have sufficient resources to employ a PR business to do all the music promotion that’s best for you personally, you may actually learn a few music promotion pointers to assist you to present your audio and reach out to your own fans. With the wide reach of the internet today, new audio advertising has changed into only a very little easier compared to before. Yes, the shortest solution to promote your tunes will be always to employ a music promotion agency or company but if you are just starting up, listed below are a few things which you could perform in order to advertise your music at minimum expensive. – Invest time and effort. Acknowledge the fact which boosting your audio if you are also a new sound and a brand new head, is not merely simply putting a web site and anticipating lovers to sneak in. Then you’ve got to devote some time and attempt to locate your buffs, if you are still not at the stage where enthusiasts could find you where you cover. Promote on a site which you believe that your fans frequent. Find sites which are linked to your form of audio. For sure, individuals who enjoy your music are present very similar to yours. Acquire your marketing program. Whether you are encouraging offline or online, it is important that you get a marketing program to help direct you on how you are able to attain your goals and the thing you want to do future. Without an idea, you are able to readily get diverted together with your focus and you may well not have a management the moment it regards boosting your music.
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If you’re still getting started as a musician, a singer or an artist generally speaking, and you want to find ways to go into into the audio industry however, that you don’t have more resources to hire a PR business to do all the music pro motion that’s best for you personally, you may learn a few music promotion advice that will assist you to introduce your music and also reach out to your fans. With all the wide range of the internet today, songs promotion has become only just a very little easier compared to before.Yes, the most economical method to publicize your music is always to hire a music promotion service or firm but if you are simply beginning, listed below are a couple things that you are able to do in order to market your own music at the least cost. – Spend some time and energy. Accept the reality that promoting your music if you’re a fresh audio and a new face, is not simply putting a web site and anticipating lovers to sneak in. Then you’ve got to spend time and attempt to seek out your buffs if you’re not yet in the stage where fans can find you wherever you hide. Boost on site that you think that your buffs repeated. Find. For sure, individuals who adore your new tunes really are there very similar to yours. Produce your promotion program. Whether you’re currently promoting offline or on the web, it is essential that you have a marketing program to help steer you on the manner in which you are able to reach your goals and the thing you need to accomplish. Without an idea, you are able to get distracted along with your focus and also you also might well not even have a excellent management when it regards boosting your own music.
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If you are still beginning being a musician, a singer or a artist generally speaking, and also you also want to find methods to get into into the audio industry however you do not have sufficient resources to seek the services of a PR firm to execute all the audio promotion that’s best for you personally, you can actually learn afew audio promotion recommendations that will help you introduce your songs and also reach out to your own fans. With all the broad range of this online today, audio promotion has become just a little easier than before.Yes, the most economical way to promote your audio will be always to seek the services of a music promotion service or business but when you’re just starting up, below are a few things that you may do in order to market your music at minimum cost. – Spend some time and effort. Take the truth which promoting your new music if you are a fresh sound and a new face, isn’t simply simply putting a site up and expecting lovers to sneak in. If you’re not at the main point where supporters can find you where you hide, then you have to shell out some time and effort to seek out your fans. Promote on site which you think that your fans frequent. Find. For sure are available websites which talk about music similar to yours. Produce your promotion program. Whether you’re currently promoting offline or on the web, it’s essential for you to have a marketing plan to help guide you the way you are able to attain your targets and the thing you need to do. Without a plan, you are able to easily get diverted along together with your attention and you also might well not even have a direction when it has to do with promoting your own music.
Spot on with this write-up, I truly believe that this web site needs far more attention. I’ll probably be back again to read through more, thanks for the advice!
If you’re still beginning being a musician, a singer or an artist in general, and you want to find strategies to go into into the music industry but you do not possess more resources to hire a PR firm to execute all the music pro motion for you, you can learn a few music promotion ideas that will assist you to introduce your tunes and also reach out to your fans. With all the broad range of this online today, music marketing has come to be only just a bit easier than before. Yes, the most economical solution to promote your songs will be to employ a music promotion service or firm but when you are just starting up, here are a few affairs which you could do in order to market your own music at the least cost. – Spend some time and energy. Accept the truth which promoting your music particularly if you are a fresh sound and a new head, is not just simply putting a site and expecting fans to flock in. Then you have to shell out time and effort to find your buffs if you’re not at the point where enthusiasts could find you wherever you cover. Boost on a site that you believe your buffs repeated. Find sites which are linked for your form of tunes. For sure are there very similar to yours. Build your advertising plan. Whether you are currently encouraging offline or online, it is important for you to get a written marketing approach to help lead you on the manner in which you can accomplish your goals and the thing you want to accomplish following. Without an agenda, you can get distracted with your focus and you may not even really have a excellent direction once it has to do with promoting your own music.
If you’re still getting started being a musician, a singer or a artist in general, and you want to find methods to go into into the audio business however you don’t have resources to hire a PR business to execute all the music promotion for you, you can learn afew audio promotion advice that will allow you to present your songs and get to out to your fans. With all the broad reach of the internet today, songs advertising has changed into only just a minor easier than before.Yes, the most economical solution to publicize your new songs would be to hire a music promotion service or company but if you are simply starting up, listed below are a couple things which you could perform in order to market your own music at the least cost. – Spend some time and effort. Accept the truth that boosting your songs especially if you are also a fresh audio and a brand fresh face, is not simply putting a site up and expecting fans in. If you are still not in the main point where enthusiasts can find you where you hide, then you have to devote time and attempt to locate your fans. Promote on site that you believe your buffs repeated. Find. For sure are available very similar to yours. Produce your marketing program. Whether you’re currently promoting online or offline, it’s essential that you get a marketing plan to help steer you on the way you are able to reach your targets and the thing you need to perform. Without an idea, you are able to readily get diverted together with your focus and also you also might well not have a direction once it comes to boosting your music.
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I had a dream where I was in a place that look almost like a kitchen. I was taking nails out of the wall and placing frames. I saw a window with lots of light coming in. The walls were blue and they look almost like sponge painting. There was a curtain that was falling off that I was trying to fix. One of the nails was for the frames was bent.
Safed as a favorite, I lovve your blog!
most of the comments seem to have NOTHING to do with dreams????
I dreamed of a big wolf like black dog and a white also a big dog fighting each other I try to keep them from terring each other apart and when I woke up I was very upset and it is still very difficult to forget it
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I had a dream that my new bycycle was stolen but recovered back after searching here and there.What is the interpretation?
My partner and i,we dreamed about green chilli but in a different ways,does that mean anything?
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Thanks for an explanation.
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Probably, I am mistaken.
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I had a dream where I was riding in a car driven by my sister in law. There were 3 men in the back seat whom I didn’t know. We were traveling on a highway when we came upon a bridge with water flowing over it, rapidly. I started freaking out begging her not to try to cross it but she angrily said she was going to anyway and drove on across it. There were no side rails. The 2nd ridge had pilings or post in front of it so we couldn’t go forward. It didn’t have side rails, I think it was made of wood. The third bridge we came to was submerged under water even deeper than the other two and it didn’t have side rails. I as very upset and crying at this point begging not to try to cross. She looked mad but then the third man in the back seat leaned forward and whispered in her ear. Her expression changed and stopped being annoyed with me but continued to drive across the bridge. The other two men in the backseat agreed with me all along it was too dangerous to try driving on the submerged bridges. I told her I was in a school bus once on the way to school when we had to cross a wooden bridge with no sides during a storm and it scared me. She didn’t care. I woke up at that point.
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Can someone please interpret. My son died on March 14 suddenly from a brain annurism. He has sent many signs to others that he is ok. Last night I dreamed that I was in my bed and opened my eyes and saw a pitcher that poured out rainbow light that went straight into my heart. Then I woke up. What does that mean?
Oh that’s quite a bit. And it’s unhealthy.
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I dreamt I was having an affair with a soap star. We got caught and had to go to court. Lots of people I knew were there to give evidence against us. He kept telling me it would be alright. That our case was first up and we would be together in the end.
I was making breakfast and craving led a egg open and blood was in the egg??
Maybe it was a live egg 🐤
Dreamt of a famiky of three bears in the zoo playing I came across with them on a stairs I threw a white cloth I was going down and they were going up but they just ognored me and let me passed.
Hello, I had a horrible dream and now can’t sleep. My partner and I were on a bridge, which looked like we were in Victoria Falls, and she was changing our 5-year-old son. Suddenly our son got up, and she said to hold his hand. I held it briefly and let him go and said he would be fine. Weirdly the bridge didn’t have any rails so when I let go, he ran towards the edge and slipped. I saw him falling and landing in water, narrowly missing rocks. I immediately started climbing down in a panic to chase after him. As I was running towards him, there seemed to be many people just going about their daily duties as usual. I woke up before I could get to where he fell into but could see I was very close. What does this dream mean?
I had a dream that a sick person visited me, he was bleeding all over. I looked after him and fed him untill he was ok and he left. Than I am in a house with friends and he shows up , this time bleeding heavily from all body parts. I woke up frightened.
I dreamed that i looked in the mirror and instead of seeing my front reflection my head turned to the side then i was looking at the back of my head. Im wondering what it means
I had one of the darkest dreams I’ve ever had last night and would like some help figuring out what it could possibly mean. Just to give some clarity to current events in my life that are relevant, I recently had a very rough separation with the mother of my children that ended with me being forced to pack our kids and leave in the middle of the night to take emergency custody. I was granted, and still have, temporary full custody of the kids and we’re in the middle of a volatile custody battle. My kids mother was very abusive to me psychologically and her and her mother are master manipulators in trapping people in their lives. Also, they practice witchcraft (This is relevant to the dream, I didn’t know they did this until after our kids were born.)
So my dream started with me alone on the beach near where I live. It was the middle of the day, I was laying in the sand just getting sun and watching the waves when two girls walked up to me. I recognized them as friends of my ex, which put me on edge, but I didn’t get the feeling or impression that she was with them. They had a beach house up the road and offered me a bed to sleep in for the night (I was at the beach without anywhere to sleep that night, its dream logic so I cant really explain much further on that point). I accepted and went to the beach house with them. It started getting darker and everything had been going so far. I was sitting on a couch and the girls were sitting on a separate couch to my right. They both started dancing together, in a synchronized manner (think like sycronized swimming but not in water). At first I thought nothing of it, but as they continued dancing it started looking less like dancing, and more ritualistic. I was very confused and felt uncomfortable. Their movements eventually had no resemblance of what could be considered dancing by todays standard, and they were unmistakably preforming a ritualistic dance of some sort. Then all of a sudden, one of the girls reaches behind the couch and pulls out a severed pigs head. I looked over at the other girl in disbelief, only to see her holding some sort of spear. I knew then that I was brought there to be sacrificed, and that my ex was the one who arranged it. Although there wasn’t any direct dialogue stating that this was the case, I just knew beyond any doubt that this was what was happening. I managed to escape (I don’t remember how) and ended up back on the beach. I saw some friends of mine from highschool there and briefly explained what had happened. We all went back to one of my friends house and hung out for a while. One of the girls there appeared to have been too drunk and was passed out on the floor. One of her friends started laughing at her, and making fun of her/trying to prank her while she was passed out. She held the girls eyes open, and her eye looked like they had egg yokes on them (not like her eyes were egg yokes, but like someone had cracked an egg over both of her eyes). I suddenly got EXTREMELY tired after seeing that, and soon realized I had been drugged. I fell on a couch and my eyes slowly began shutting, even as I tried my hardest to keep them open. Right as they were about to close, the girl and her friend who was passed out began dancing…. just like at the other house. My eyes finally shut and I blacked out for a brief second. When my eyes opened, one of the girls was standing over me with the spear-like object (It was more like a metal spike about 3 feet long). I managed to jump up, but don’t remember what happened after that.
I’m not someone who gets nightmares, I’ve maybe had 4-5 true nightmares in my life (mid-late twentys here). Oddly enough I didn’t feel afraid while experiencing this dream, I definitely wanted nothing to do with it, but I was never in shear terror. If someone can help me figure out what this means I would greatly apprieciate it, I have felt off all day and could sense a very dark, evil force in the dream.
Im dreaming I’m on the back of a motorcycle. We arrive at this place/house then all of a sudden I’m sitting in lawn chairs on a roof with my current boyfriend and his dad. The dream keeps switching my current bf and his dad with my ex and his. Similar feelings and circumstances in real life I suppose. There’s a suitcase to my left with my belongings. We are looking at hawks flying above us in a cloudy sky. Then we almost lose balance and slide off the roof, but somehow I call out my current bfs name cause he is sliding too, and we right ourselves. Felt like I would be lost forever if we slid off into the unknown. We zipper up my suitcase as he shows me how to use the zipper and head out in a hurry. I’m with different people now in a hotel stairway trying to communicate with someone or something. I/we are on the phone talking in one end and trying to locate where the other end is coming out from. I have a vision inside my head, inside this dream, of an answering machine on a sidewalk saying she might be dying. Her voice is deep, sweet and certain. Then I wake up.
Can anyone make a meaning from that!? Ha…
Hi i woke this morning thinking i was drowning. I was on a plane with my daughter aunt and mum. The plane took off and very soon heard the gonna crash into the sea. I remember me my aunt daughter and mum hanging on to outside of plane. Then splash my mum had jumped in and swam to rescue . She was always a strong swimmer. She passed last march and i have been having a terrible year.
I have had the same dream a dozen times about being in an unknown college where I’m a student, and I’m very comfortable there. The weird thing is there’s also a mall in this college that benefits different organizations and also a food court. What does this mean?
My dream started with mw near a plane engine I think I was suppose to be on that plane. I saw someone that was waiting for it alao l turned my back and when I turned back they wasn’t there anymore. I heard the plane engine revved up got scared and started looking for a way to get in the plane. I ran into the terminal up and down couldn’t find my way in I saw a corridor that I just know was going to lead me in the plane and I woke up
I dreamed about being a different person (during my dream i didnt realized i was not me up until the very end). So in my dream, I was in a relationship with a guy that I dont really know irl. For some reasons, my parents dont approved of our relationship and both of us were advised not to see each other anymore. As soon as the guy was supposed to leave the room, he run towards me and grabbed my hand and the both of us started running away from my parents. Both of us were being chased but we just kept on running even when both of us were already tired. In my dream, i wasnt even sure if what we were doing was the right thing but i just went along with what the guy wanted. So after we run like a good 10 mile (I know this was 10 miles because we were in the highway and there was a sign that says 10), we teleported to an inn that was like a good distance away from where we are running from. So we basically told the nice lady from the inn about stuff that happened and they were just supportive of us and she just feels bad for us. Both my partner and i knows that we need to keep going since there’s a chance that my parents would find us if we just stay in one place. So we were just walking around some sort of an event and all of a sudden, I felt sick. I was about to go to a portable public bathroom but I had a bad feeling about it. Cause right next to the bathroom was a stage and on a stage was a politician. I got a bad feeling from it cause my dad is a judge in real life and I had a feeling that they might teleport there. So I just decides to vomit on the floor (it’s not a lot of vomit) and the two of us just kept walking. While walking, we started talking about future plans and I did mention teleporting to a different country so we can live in peace. I also admitted to him that i was skeptical about running away with him cause i felt like my parents had a point since the both of us are still children…but then, i realized it was the right call since i probably would never see him again if we didnt run away. So i kinda suggested trying out scholarship in different schools in a different country but i also know it’s probably not the best plan. Getting a job would also be tough cause both of us were still underage (at least i had that impression). Anyhow, we were just talking about plans for the future…not just how we can run away from my parents but also how to survive with just the two of us. While we were planning, I asked the guy for his age and he told me he was already 30. I wasn’t that shocked but it also made me happy since I know that he’ll be able to get a job (like a part time job in cafes). And then I also asked him for my age and he told me I was already 27 and that made me happy too cause I know I can also get a job. So when I realized that both of us can finally live in peace while also earning money, it kinda look like ive seen myself for the first time and i realized that im not the person in my body. Nonetheless, i was very happy in my dream and that’s when I woke up. (Posting this again since im not sure if the first one got sent)
I dreamt where a mad woman was chasing me?
Pls what does that mean?
I dreamt of going for afriends party they I met my girlfriend and she entered a Navy coloured truck with white curtains in anger an zoomed off
I dreamed about being a different person (during my dream i didnt realized i was not me up until the very end). So in my dream, I was in a relationship with a guy that I dont really know irl. For some reasons, my parents dont approved of our relationship and both of us were advised not to see each other anymore. As soon as the guy was supposed to leave the room, he run towards me and grabbed my hand and the both of us started running away from my parents. Both of us were being chased but we just kept on running even when both of us were already tired. In my dream, i wasnt even sure if what we were doing was the right thing but i just went along with what the guy wanted. So after we run like a good 10 mile (I know this was 10 miles because we were in the highway and there was a sign that says 10), we teleported to an inn that was like a good distance away from where we are running from. So we basically told the nice lady from the inn about stuff that happened and they were just supportive of us and she just feels bad for us. Both my partner and i knows that we need to keep going since there’s a chance that my parents would find us if we just stay in one place. So we were just walking around some sort of an event and all of a sudden, I felt sick. I was about to go to a portable public bathroom but I had a bad feeling about it. Cause right next to the bathroom was a stage and on a stage was a politician. I got a bad feeling from it cause my dad is a judge in real life and I had a feeling that they might teleport there. So I just decides to vomit on the floor (it’s not a lot of vomit) and the two of us just kept walking. While walking, we started talking about future plans and I did mention teleporting to a different country so we can live in peace. I also admitted to him that i was skeptical about running away with him cause i felt like my parents had a point since the both of us are still children…but then, i realized it was the right call since i probably would never see him again if we didnt run away. So i kinda suggested trying out scholarship in different schools in a different country but i also know it’s probably not the best plan. Getting a job would also be tough cause both of us were still underage (at least i had that impression). Anyhow, we were just talking about plans for the future…not just how we can run away from my parents but also how to survive with just the two of us. While we were planning, I asked the guy for his age and he told me he was already 30. I wasn’t that shocked but it also made me happy since I know that he’ll be able to get a job (like a part time job in cafes). And then I also asked him for my age and he told me I was already 27 and that made me happy too cause I know I can also get a job. So when I realized that both of us can finally live in peace while also earning money, it kinda look like ive seen myself for the first time and i realized that im not the person in my body. Nonetheless, i was very happy in my dream and that’s when I woke up.
I dreamt that I got a phone call at 1236am telling me my ex husband was dead. I woke up at 111am and his birthday is Jan 11. I do not have a good relationship with him nor do I want one. I was a little freaked out that this happened Jan 15 (just 4 days after his bday). The exact times is what I wonder about. In my dream the person called said “I’m sorry to call this late at 12:36am on a Tuesday night to inform you…” This same week my mother had a stroke and virtually the same time, my sister in law’s brother killed himself. Needless to say it has been a trying week. I am curious as to anyone’s thoughts on this dream
Dreams about someone from your past’s death can often symbolise anxiety and fear of change
I keep having this reoccurring dream. Natalie( my best friend), an old man, two young children, and myself go into the woods for a type of class setup. We are always in the same place, it is a flat in the middle of an abandoned road that goes uphill and downhill around us. There is always a prisoner lose down the hill in the town from where we are. He is seen often but never does anything. We all look at the old man as a hero so when he makes us draw a picture together almost like an adlib type of thing. I draw a row, someone else builds onto it. we always paint him as a protector or have some message displaying our gratitude to him. I’m not sure who anyone is, but the children always come with the old man. There is also always an animal attack. It has been a mountain lion both times I’ve had this dream. The old man always runs and hides, the children are always killed, and a changing factor is the outcome for Natalie and I. The first time I had this dream, we were both attacked but survived. This time, we almost seemed prepared. We had all of our belongings and the car was close. After getting in the car, a herd of lions showed up and ran behind us as we escaped. The road had endless blockages in it: a log, and a mirror. The dream seemed to pan back and it was someone on a computer looking at our lives like a movie. Some things I can’t remember in a story line but I know where there: there was a royal wedding on a beach that I went to with my sister but I needed to leave. John Marshall was right off of the beach and I went in, saw lauren fox, autumn mayle, and Ava blake, ( three of my past best friends) and used the restroom. There was a lot of singing on the beach that was very eerie.
I dream my feet wear was massing
My daughter dreamt last night that my deceased mother wants her to bring her daughter to meet her.
What does this mean
I have a dream whereby my son has roofed a tall building with a white iron sheet.
I dreamt of finding a secluded beautiful small village in the mountains by surprise…In my dream i was like oooh wow.. Then I see slightly above my line of vision is an OX tied up to a post next to some hay like most villages do..but i could only see the back side of him..I saw that it was a hilly area so people have cut off sides of the wall of the mountain made platforms and built their houses.he started moo’in and was so scared of something that he stepped back knowing that if he goes any further he’ll fall off the platform and still he did and and hanged himself..just moments later after the bull falls down getting hanged from his own rope…I see a guy in a checkered white shirt run to him to save him and now I’m just a few metres away seeing all this feeling shocked and then relieved that the guy has come to save him..but just then out of knowhere I see a massive lion come and pounce on the guy who was trying to save the ox. He dies..The lion is kills him and by now there’s this panic in the entire village..people are screamin.. I see that I came to the village with two young girls- identical twins around 10 years of age..And theyre saying we need to go. I also see my ex-boss with her girlfriend in that village..I was happy but a bit disappointed coz in my head i said gosh…they are here as well…Anyway..need to understand this ox dying and lion killing the guy trying to save the ox.
I’ve been haveing a dream of me walking in the door at my place and there a party going on and theres a dude who freaked me the fuck out he has nothening from the waste down no penis or nothening but had big muscles then I wake up
I love dreaming
Me too!
What if you had a dream of drinking cold water from a glass?
I dreamed of someone I love (and kinda have a crush on) who had created a promoted post on Instagram. It was a challenge where he had to paint his face into a tiger and a dog (dalmatian). He wore a basketball shirt (mainly blue but with a little red) with numer 40 on it in white. He also had 40 comments under the post. I looked into the comments and got a little jealous. I really wonder what this all means.
I was dreaming…
I was in a healing session being worked on outdoors for some shoulder pain. I dozed off to sleep. When I awoke there were three or four women across the street a few doors down, holding up a sign, with those magnetic letters on a whiteboard which read:
“Curse of the Spirit of Joliet”
The letters were sort of falling off the board while the women were trying to pretend in amazement that this message magically appeared. While in my dream, I got up and gather my things. It was at this point the Doctor realizing that I wasn’t going to buy into the next level of high-priced spiritual cleansing they wanted me to be in fear of that I needed. He then suggested a remedy of herbs to cleanse my sinus and upper palate. Which I recognized I could use. With that, the dream faded to black.
Thanks for any insight.
I dreamt that I was stuck in a state of limbo (and for some reason, it feels so familiar and I have dreamt/been here for a lot of times) it was not technically hell, but it feels like so, it feels like a realm of demons. Everything is the exact same as the real world, except that it’s a lot more darker, quieter and eerie. You feel that soemthing is watching you everywhere you go. My parents and I, with a tons of other people are stuck there, and we have to return home through a train. But in order to reach the train, we’ll have to go through some places that we might meet your demise in. The place I remember most is a subway station. There were a lot of survivers left, however almost all of them got killed by a manslaughtering demon, 3 times the size of an average human and it has four arms, each holdering a large butcher knife. We had to run to the other side of the station while it chases us, and a lot of people died there, only a few survived and made it to the other room, including myself and my parents. However, we barely made it. We eventually got onto the train the train and was informed that we’ll need a total of six needles in order to return to the mortal realm, and some of the people are qualified by having the needles already in the pockets. I forgot if I have one, but my parents lost theirs, and the only way to get them back is to kill another person. For this reason, everyone has a knife. In my dream, I had this dream for a lot of times and in all of the dreams, it was the same and my mom lost her needles. My dad gave my mom his needles but I wasn’t gonna let my father being trapped in here forever while my mother and I were able to leave. So after we left the train, we got into a car with a family of three (like us) and they were gonna drive us to the place where we’ll be able to return home. In mid drive, I killed the mother of the other family gruesomely through the method of decapitation and I took her needles (the reason why I chose decapitation is because the needles are located inside the people’s neck, and we aren’t allowed to take the needles that they currently have in their pockets) and I gave it to my dad. The son of the other family is, obviously enraged and felt betrayed by us, and he decided to attack me with his knife, and in self defense, I killed their son gruesomely as well (I don’t think I need to describe how gruesomely I killed him, because it’s really gruesome) and I decapitated him at the end as well, taking the needles from his neck. The father expresses his anguish, sorrow and wrath towards us, but he didn’t attack us, but rather, continue driving to our destination. I see no reason to attack him if he didn’t make the first move. After we arrived, it was explained to us that we would get punished severely for killing someone and receive severe torture (such as having your fingers chopped off one by one, having your arms twisted until it breaks, you get the jazz) before being able to return to the human realm. I was shocked and I yelled “no!” and that’s where I woke up.
Sorry if the story is too boring or hard to understand, English isn’t my first language and I legit just woke up LOL
My friend went crazy and he was like you never knew but I was always crazy
flying off the Eifel Tower, under the care of a flock of owls, I was soaring like a migrating bird. Off to a place hidden in the clouds, a place so beautiful it can be mistaken for heaven itself.
it had Great Golden Gates, a massive garden of roses, and a big Manor on the edge. It looks like a place that only lives in pure sunshine and sunny days. It had a crystal fountain with waters so pure and tastes like sweet honeydew from flowers in the morning.
When it rains, crystal dew drops that tastes like chocolate, fall from the sky. And when the beam from the great sun hits them, it creates the most beautiful of rainbows.
The manor was huge on the inside. Massive chandeliers, long halls, and big ballrooms. It had a grand staircase and even more staircases that move and adjust to where you want to go.
The Dining room huge. It had a long table with plenty of chairs, on the table was a bounty of food. From the most exotic of fruits to baked turkeys and honey roasted pigs. The kitchen was everything you could dream of! It had the most delicious of sweets, the tastiest of bread, and the most exquisite stew.
And when it was time for bed, the room was almost stolen from a fairytale. It had the most massive bed, with the softest of pillows and the fluffiest of toys. It had a massive door for a closet and a big playhouse. It feels like I was a kid again, and this was one of my biggest fantasies.
I dreamed I saw a lot of black big snakes outside my home then I went outside to buy something but when I came back into my house I saw 3 snakes already inside my home then I call mh husband to take out the snakes, but luckily they take out the snake safely and it didn’t bite them. Can you explain my dreams
I had a dream that I was being hacked. I have no idea why. As this was no ordinary hacking. It was very exaggerated. I don’t really remember what I was doing but I got a FaceTime call on my phone and I tried to decline but I couldn’t press the button. I kept pressing and pressing and nothing happened but then the button on my phone got texture, it felt like I was pressing on someone else’s finger tip. Then I saw my computer webcam turn on and the same button appear on my computer. I lost a gap of time here that I don’t remember. But I end up talking to the hacker and he was a nice guy. He almost seemed like he was just teaching me a lesson. He told me that as long as he didn’t know my username I couldn’t get hacked. I don’t. Remember much after that.
chicken fly
I snuck into a home for some reason and as I was walking towards the back door I seen a man and he said can I help you then a black or grey dog bit my arm and there were more dogs that were coming through the door but didn’t get to me and there was a white and brown dog that didn’t really do anything as it was biting me then the Sven changed I was on a field a huge one as I started to walk on the grass men started running towards my way almost stampede like with their hands in the air with pride flags crazy right then the scene changed ended up at the hotel very luxurious many floors very tall building for some reason I and some people were trying to jump from somewhere inside the hotel into a coffee shop located inside the hotel
Hi! I dreamt combining my hair, i had a big afro . But in real life i don’t have big hair
Your crown 👑 your mind is powerful
I dreamt of a lion ran into a bank all the people were in fear and jumped behind the counter I stayed there and the lion bowed down at my feet then it rolled over and let me touch and rub its belly. And the lion was tame and playful.
Lion tamer courageous strength
I dream about two moons… Night time, something is happening, I’m doing something on the street and just by glance I see two moons. I stopped and wonder for a short time. I think I pointed that out to someone else in the dream although I don’t know who.
I dream about two moons… Night time, something is happening, I’m doing something on the street and just by glance I see two moons. I stopped and wonder for a short time. I think I pointed that out to someone else in the dream although I don’t know who.
Six years old and my dreams were me trapped in a cage with monsters running or you don’t know what that means but it just keeps on happening happening like almost every day and I just don’t know
Face your fears caged with what you fear to face them
I was in a Marriage of someone whom I knew. I was walking to the exit, I saw my friend(from old school, it’s been 1.5year since I let my old school. And after 1 year she contacted me and we became friends again), then I walked to her. Then she introduced me to her mother. Then she gave me a special friendship band. Then I she told me some sort of game, if we both do the same thing we will be best friend she said. Then I lost the band. And when she went to a room to take the special friendship band. She mother scolded her but somehow she got it and gave me the special friendship band again. Then I woke up from dream.
I was in a Marriage of someone whome I knew. I was walking to the exit, I saw my friend(from old school, it’s been 1.5year since I let my old school. And after 1 year she contacted me and we became friends again), then I walked to her. Then she introduced me to her mother. Then she gave me a special friendship band. Then I she told me some sort of game, if we both do the same thing we will be best friend she said. Then I lost the band. And when she went to a room to take the special friendship band. She mother scolded her but somehow she got it and gave me the special friendship band again. Then I woke up from dream.
I dreamt I was looking out my front window it was a beautiful fall day sun was shining and then noticed across the street someone was staring in my window and then I looked closer it was my ex. He saw that I saw him staring so he started walking towards my house and I was frantic to close the windows and lock them but I couldn’t they won’t not lock as much as I fought them as he enters the porch. The dream felt so real I didn’t realize it was a dream until I jumped out of bed.
I dream about having to climb a ladder to reach a room. I don’t like climbing up but my real fear is having to climb down the ladder. The fear is stepping onto the ladder to go down not the actual time on the ladder. I usually try to find stairs to go down instead of the ladder and meet the people I am with at the bottom of the stairs even though they take the ladder.
taking step by step actions to reach a goal things are moving up
i had a dream where i was in bio in among us with two actual people instead of the normal caricters and we all stayed in bio and around the end of the dream brown started killing and i (white) ran to push the button i did and i acussed brown in voice chat and the actual people were very confused and i said ”Guys its brown!”brown replied,”no its white”and i said ” you SAW him kill red!” and they still voted me out and they lost witch i dont really get that logic while im typing this.if you dont know what im talking about,let me expliain.first off if there were two people then how did brown win?there are two inno left.oh wait,im dumb.brown could just kill one and game over.im sorry for waisting your presouse time typing and you reading this.(btw this name is fake,not even the last is real.so dont get your hopes up.)
I finally dozed off around 6:00am…. enter my dream….
I was in a hallway, of what I would describe as a hospital… there were patients everywhere pushing their IV carts. I was one of the patients but I my IV was not hooked up to anything, I just saw bright red blood in my tube where the needle entered my right arm, a little below the elbow bend. The other patients didn’t have faces, but they made me feel extremely uneasy! They weren’t mean or angry or communicating with me directly, more of just stirring around aimlessly in the hallway/corridor. Then I noticed the wall paper on the wall, which was that of the old time linoleum brick that you would see on the outside of houses waaay waaaaaay back in tha day ~ like 1950s 60s 70’s etc… I ran toward the wallpaper and thrust myself through it, and found myself flying in what seemed like a circular dome like area… it wasn’t infinite, like flying in the sky, there were boundaries…then I was spinning backwards purposely in my dream because it was at that point that I became lucid in my dream and I wanted to go back and see what was goin on in my dream and try to communicate with the other patients….. however I stayed lucid, but as I went back throuh the wallpaper, all I was concerned about was my IV and having it removed because it was filling up with the brightest reddest blood I’ve EVER seen ~ like that color of RED in my dreams, doesn’t exist on this planet… then I woke up, really uneasy my heart was pounding and I was too afraid to go back to sleep cause I didn’t wanna slip back in to that nightmare
I finally dozed off around 6:00am…. enter my dream….
I was in a hallway, of what I would describe as a hospital… there were patiens everywhere pushing their IV carts. I was one of the patients but I my IV was not hooked up to anything, I just saw brign red blood in mytube where the needle entered my right arm, a little below the elbow bend. The other patients didn’t have faces, but they made me feel extremely uneasy! They weren’t communicating with me directly, more of just stirring around aimlessly in the hallway/corridor. Then I noticed the wall paper on the wall, which was that of the old time linoleum brick that you would see on the outside of houses waaay waaaaaay back in tha day ~ like 1950s 60s 70’s etc… I ran toward the wallpaper and thrust myself through it, and found myself flying in what seemed like a circular dome like area… it wasn’t infinite, like flying in the sky, there were boundaries…then I was spinning backwards purposely in my dream because it was at that point that I became lucid in my dream and I wanted to go back and see what was goin on in my dream and try to communicate with the other patients….. however I stayed lucid, but as I went back throuh the wallpaper, all I was concerned about was my IV and having it removed because it was filling up with the brightest reddest blood I’ve EVER seen ~ like that color of RED in my dreams, doesn’t exist on this planet… then I woke up, really uneasy my heart was pounding and I was too afraid to go back to sleep cause I didn’t wanna slip back in to that nightmare
My dream is pretty weird and it may seem like a movie or an anime but hear me out.
My dream started that our school was having a field trip to an old museum with acient artifacts, I was with my good friends which were just 3. We were split up of in our classes and started to walk and look around the museum. Once we were about to leave the museum we past a big door with a sign of “No Traspassing”. I told my friends in secret about what could be hiding beyond that door, of course my friends wanted to check it out but I said it will be too risky if all us go inside.We decided that I would go first, my friends were looking out for the teacher. At the point when I was going to open the door I heard singing at the other side, I was shocked and asked my friends if they could hear it, but they didn’t as I can clearly still hear the singing, out of no where the door clicked and opened. I didn’t realize that the door was locked ,I got scared at the same time excited. I slowly entered the room and my friends removes the no trespassing sign so the teacher wouldn’t fuss at us and think we were just looking. I stood there amazed on the artifacts that I see around me, I checked every item forgetting I heard the singing, I thought that I was just crazy. But that thought quickly faded away when suddenly the singing started, I was hooked and tried to find the source of the singing, after a while I a saw a hair stick a Japanese hair pin, it was a silvered colored with a sakura flower with a creme color and shade of black jade and white, but above all of that it was a phoenix like or peacock feather like made of silver and green jade. I was more intrigued than scared, soon after that the pin fell from its holding area which wasn’t covered by those glass boxes, I quickly picked it up and saw a carving and I read it saying “Those who hear, have a pure heart will grant protection and those who hearts been blackend, protection will turn you”. When I finished reading it, the sky slowly turned gray and started to rain very hard, I got scared and tried to run back with my friends and the door shut closed locking it, I yelled asking for help the other students were concerned as the teacher rushed into the door and she told an employer to open the door. I kept banging the door, the whole museum suddenly went to a blackout and I was so scared as the hair stick started to glow and a strong wind started to move me towards the center as I started to float as more I got into the center of the room and lighting broke the glass. The teacher tried to keep opening the door, I was so scared that I couldn’t even express it anymore and my eyes widened when lighting started to struck me and I scremed in agony, everyone was scared as the police and employers tried to open the door but they wind didn’t let them, The lighting still kept strucking me for a long time as I started to bleed and lose my life, from there I died but the hair pin somehow revived me and my eyes turned purple to silvered color and then back to my dark brown eyes and Angelic wings appeared then disappeared if like it was an illusion but I can feel its heaviness from my back, I slowly was lowered onto the ground and the hair pin turned to bracelet and was on my wrist, the wind stopped and the door broke down by the police and looked around as the teacher ran up to me seeing all the blood , the police told her to back away as they checked my pulse. My eyes slowly opened up as I saw blurriness at first until my eye sight started to clear and I saw the police and I slowly stood up. Everyone was worried and scared on what they witnessed and I was confused like if I have forgotten what happened but slowly realized what I had seen and got scared. The police took me away for interrogation, soon after my parents came and hugged me, mom crying, dad worried. For the past days after the incident everything was normal, or so I thought once again, my school had schooler shooter but it was not just one but 3 and were threatening my class and I was scared like everyone else, but I saw the window and decided to break the window which the shooters did for me and I jumped off, once I did , I told myself that I wouldn’t die and protect everyone and I swore to my life and surprisingly the my bracelet which was still with me started to glow and my eyes turned purple and my wings grew and I flew up the shooters were scared but started to shoot me and I stopped them without using my hands, I was surprised but I didn’t had the time to thing, I kept thinking of a weapon to protect myself and the others. I was thinking of a sword and the bracelet turned to a sword, I was even more surprised but had not time to think once again and killed the three man from the letting my classmates and teachers not to mention the school to have deaths. By here we know those fantasy cliches when people started to become afraid of you and the news came talking about what the people witness. Yea that’s what happened. I spend my days alone in a dark place hiding and crying thinking of why It had to happened me, the days became months but after that I managed to control and know my abilities and decided to use it for good. I defended and killed the criminals, until we know we need an antogonist. I saw someone like me but he looked differently, I felt a dark aura and I knew he wasn’t here to talk, but when I looked at the guy closer he was someone I felt in love with even though he wasn’t real, he was fictional from a video game. He strucked me down into the water, I thought I was growing but I just looked at the surface as I slowly amerge down into the ocean and closed my eyes, but I couldn’t keep hide no more and I have to accept that Im not who I really am and should accept Im not real and that im actually dead. I flew up having my silvered eyes and started to fight the love of my life and managed to stab him but I also stabed myself, somehow I started to cry and he looks at me with a sad face because I really didn’t stab him so he could die, he knew that. My wings slowly turned into pitch black for every person I killed and I saw him tear up,and I only gave him a smile, he whispers to me that he is The Grim Reaper and that we will meet very soon. I looked at him and kissed him as my body slowly vanished away in sakura petals with the hair stick on my crush’s hands as he cries yells my name.
I see when I make romance with my wife
I dreamed about a black snake with red eyes.. it was in wood stick ceiling and the eyes was looking at me intensely.. I was stuck and my body can’t move .. I think in my dream I was ver scared although in real life I don’t like snake.. Im really scared with snake. Before i sleep i prayed to my guardian angel if i have one, that she/he should introduce himself/herself to me in my dreams. I dreamed a lots of different scenarios like about my previous co-workers (unemployed right now), high school friend, my father and lastly the black snake.. don’t tell me my guardian angel is a snake??
My friend had a dream that I had a child in my arms which was indicated to be mine, what does it mean?
undressing to bathe, i still have further clothes to remove and on and on, and on and on, over twelve time
New dress
a white baby is swimming in the water
Hello guys/gals,
Backstory: At the time I was not working and had a crappy car. I was out of work for 6 months and yes I did watch pornography.
I had a dream where I was watching from the 3rd person. I saw a lady walking down the street in her point of view for the time being and on her left was a poor farmer masturbating on his rusty tractor. To her right was a productive farmer on a good looking tractor. He seduced her and then she proceeded to give him oral sex. He was gentle with her and she loved how well he was doing with seducing her. They both had a very pleasurable expirience. When they were finishing the lazy farmer stopped masturbating (I got jealous watching the two have sex) and drove his tractor to the productive farmers farm but found no evidence as they drove off happily to the main road. The lazy farmer was left confused and envious (presumably it was his lady). He never found out about the incident and my dream ended.
I dreamed that I was somewhere, maybe in school or something and I was walking with someone probably my crush
then we were holding hands and I was like wow it feels good to hold hands. Like I was actually feeling his palms on my palms in my dream and it felt good.
Then in another dream in the same time I saw that I cut my index finger, and it looked scary like a open wound. The skins were half peeled and I could see some dark red meat.
I was on a set of very high train tracks. There were several rails you could choose from to be on. My husband and my brother were both with me. We were laying on our stomachs on the tracks yet moving as though we were propelled by something. At one point we see a young girl walking on a rail by herself and we are fearful she will fall or a train will hit her.
The dream shifts and we are suspended from the train tracks with long sheets of fabric. My children, husband, brother & sister all suspended as well. We are moving along the tracks. We go up, down and forward. At one point we come to a mountain/wall and the track gets stuck. We are several hundred feet up and the only way out is to climb the fabric to the top of the train track that leads to a door/opening. There is a river or water below us.
I help my family climb up the fabrics by using my legs, arms and head as a ladder. They ask if I’m sure and I tell them it’s ok. Because it’s just water below us. (I’m terrified of heights but love to swim and love water).
My dream shifts again to a fashion show with Barbie dolls that my mom organized. She assigned the dolls and dresses (she use to make and sell Barbie clothes when I was a kid) to each person and it was our job to dress them and accessorize them. The entire time my cousin kept nudging me to annoy me and I kept hitting her and flipping out telling her to stop.
Then we are hanging from the fabrics again and I wake up.
I dreamt about cowries, what does it mean
your ability to be there for your family when faced with adversity Barbie doll your inner child wants to come out and play
i dream i was to have an examination and was late only to find others were winding up.
what is the meaning of that ?
I have a big male lion in a dream. He wakes me by chuffing at a distance and then walks straight towards me. Sits and we just look at each other.
I dream of clean red blood flowing from my body, down the stairs and went into the church. The blood turn into the church as though it knew where it was going.
Its been 2times I dream this kind of a dream its a wierd dream.in my dream it says that my brother which is next to me he make sex to my 4th brother In front to me with my son.by the way I am the eldest im a girl and the rest of my siblings are boys.actually my brother which is next to me he has already a family.pls help me to interpret vmy dream
Hello Marlyn you like to my dream mean .
i don’t see categories like:
naked in the public area
faces you dream you have never met
meeting famous people in your dream at the party or convention
standing on the edge of the mountain
overlooking vast deep blue ocean
A few weeks ago I had a dream that I have been wanting to have, Ok so I dreamt that I finally met Bendy from Bendy and the ink machine horror game but he looks like how I draw him ( and draw him pretty good), and he was kissing me and I was kissing him back.(I really liked that dream)
what does it mean if i see gold bracelet in my hand
Are you pregnant ? Maybe you it’s a boy 😍
Are you pregnant ? Maybe you it’s a boy 😍
I was at this park and there were spiders everywhere and Adam Lambert was there then all of a sudden a bird starts to eat my arm.
I had a dream a came into my house and stole some money though he left hundred notes took thousands note he said he was sent by my sister when he got caught and never returned the money .
Good Morning,
Hi, I saw a dream in the morning where I was pooping and one of my colleague was there, she took my poop in her index finger (the remaining poop after flush). Thereafter, I was feeling yuk to see that how she took my poop in her hand, later I saw a small baby lying, I took baby hand and wrap inside the cloth. After that I saw lot of cows and oxes and i was afraid to see that.. and then I woke up.
When you see poop in a dream its a symbol of money,so when your colleague deeped her finger on the same poop and left,its a Singh that you may receive money somewhere but that opportunity maybe taken away from you… Seeing a cow in a dream its a bad sighn a cow with horns in a dream its considered to be evil
1 cow mean 1 year .
If you dream about drinking a glass of water and the glass brake and you swallow the glass what does that means.
Having a relationship with someone in the dream, repeatedly with an unknown person.
It’s a Singh that you may have a true lover coming your way who will love you deeply,that once happened to me
As I child, I once dreamed where my mother and I had gone to Costco and she left me in one of the aisles to go grab something from another aile. So I stay there for a few moments and suddenly I feel myself running away, from what my subconsious and the few glances I got was that I was running from a huge, grey and black snake. I remember stopping beside a bathtub where someone was showering (I didn’t see who as the curtains where drawn) and a male voice, sounding alot like my dad starts speaking and then dream me turns around and I just seen the snake lungeing at me with it’s mouth wide open.
I still remember how fast my heart was beating and the cold sweat when I woke up.
What does it mean to be force with a cutlass to carry mat on the head on a dream after praying for someone progress. And the person rejoicing.
I can lucid dream.
But only in scenarios where an ex that I’ve never had is involved.
Dreamed I caught someone I love being inappropriate with a child.
I dreamed about washing 3 dirty, abandoned kittens. Kittens were black, Orange, and grey and under a trash dumpster. 2 came willing one tried to escape. I washed them one by one in the kitchen sink and at some point in the dream they turned into babies.. But I didn’t notice in the dream. At the end of the dream the last baby I was washing could talk. She told me her mom left to pursue her career and dad was abusive and eventually stopped bringing food and or caring for them. One of the strangest dreams I’ve ever had!
When someone dreams about hills/mountains what does it mean
Dreaming someone stubbed me with a knife
I had a dream where I was hiding evidence that I killed someone. There was a bloody pillow and pillowcase – half of it was covered – and I had put it in a chest. And then there was these two people who were the real killers that were trying to frame me. I was hiding my journals and the knife in the chest and then was moving. They called on the phone and I was ready to leave when I realized they would get the evidence so I went back with a black trash bag and started to put stuff in there including the pillow and knife as well as journals and pictures. The one person came to talk with me and I said I needed a new shirt and went to the closet to try and find one but everything but stuff I no longer wanted was gone. And at some point there was this woman who my sister and I called and were offering her a job when my sister made phone of her not knowing she was on speak phone. And that was my dream.
Had a dream about a person I haven’t seen since high school I really didn’t know him but he asked me out and I told him I will think about it when I was going to give him his answer the next day they told me he die I don’t know what this mean I’m already in a relationship please help me
It’s normal. In the past, it probably meant you had attraction for him before and missed the chance of being with him.
I saw a weird dream, in there i woke up from the place i was sleeping and i could feel another family presence in the room ( who was my mother that was near me when i was sleeping). In my mind i was calling and searching for something. And when i saw in the balcony i felt like my call was answered. Behind the balcony there were shadows and little children hands. I had a strong urge to go there and i was telling myself -stop running away Again, deal with it, be strong, you can do it.- and i went there and grabed the hand of a baby, it was so white but so warm and i felt happy like i finally did it. While holding the hand i saw a pentagram like a star inside a circle in the skin of the baby. I let go because i felt suprised and then i see alot people or spirits around me. I run to the place i was sleeping and i felt scared because there were so many spirits. But i felt like i knew this would happen and then i felt calm and fell asleep in my dream. Everything went black and i wake up for real this time. What does this dream means? please explain it to me. Is it good or a bad dream?
July 28,2020
It was a rainy day I lay in my bed as I’ve always does when the clock strikes at 10 am since its my daily usual pattern to hit the bed..In the middle of my sleep I aroused suddenly by a terrible dream which I don’t usually experienced.All i know is that i never really dream & this happened to me with just a snap.Its like it crumples my chest that i am gasping to make an entrance to make the air pass inside my lungs inhaling & exhaling.Guess what my dream was ..first i was standing on a curved seeing the green jersey to which I can identify that it was my eldest brother belonging on a flat table where only the half of the body was present ..Then when I look into the other side i run seeing it more closely as i can figure it out that i am sure of my suspicious that one half body is my fathers body laying on the street ..I cried saying I’m sorry dad & that I loved u so much regretting that i should somewhat utter this words before the accident happen..Damn This hit me hard once i had self reflection thinking the value of a blessing is realized at its loss & that made me fully awake..
, I dream that I give my husband milk in the dream
My dream started with me lying in my bed, effectively blind due to the fact I always wear a sleepmask to bed. I hear some soft noises, then a male voice. “Is she awake?” I groan, thinking it’s my brother, but it speaks again, sounding surprised. “Can she- Can you hear me?” I freeze, absolutely terrified, knowing this is most definitely not someone I know. Then whatever it is touches my back. It’s a pin s and needles sensation, similar to when you sit on your foot and it goes numb. I just sit there a few moments, terrified, blind, and too scared to open my eyes even with the sleepmask on for fear that the figure was actually real and in my room staring at me as I slept. Then it stops touching me, and I wake up.
Dreams can easily be manipulated by bad spirits, so don’t put stock in what they might mean. For many years, I was focused on religion as a quest, a pilgrimage, a constant striving to be closer to God. I was too open to things that I thought could bring me closer to Him, instead of focusing simply on my faith in Him. I never would have messed around with a Ouija board, but I didn’t realize that a lot of the things that I was open to were just Ouija boards in another form. I was always looking for signs and messages from the spirit world, and this left me vulnerable to a spiritual attack by an evil spirit. After this experience, I know that the devil and his demons exist, and that they strive to cause us pain. In my darkest moments, I called on Jesus for help; it was this asking him for help that saved me.
Trudy July 17,2020
My sister had 2 dreams(she just got diagnose with CANCER. Due to the Co-id she was suffering with a tooth ache and could not seen a Dr. At last recently she seen a dr and got tesr done. She has cancer in 3 sectionsof the mouth then she found out it went to her brain). My sister had her first dream, her grandmother,her mom and Trudy(sister) were driving in a car on the side of a mountain.Grandmother was driving(she didn’t drive when she was living).Mom just recently died in March 2020.
The 2nd dream was Trudy and Grandmother were walking and a dove landed on grandmother shoulder
Could you please tell me what you get out of this.
Thankyou Trudy Sister Catherine
Catherine, a drive in a car has symbolism of the dreamer’s deep down feelings about herself. If the dreamer (Trudy) is driving the car, it means she has her life under control. However, and in this case, if someone else (Grandmother) is driving, the dreamer feels that this other person is in control of the dreamer’s life. Because Grandmother has already passed to the other side, Trudy may be feeling that she will be joining Grandmother on the other side. Because Mother has also died, she is part of the picture representing death (the other side).
If the dreamer (Trudy) is a passenger in a car driving on the side of a mountain, it represents an uncertainty of safety, thus she is feeling out of control. She has fear at the thought of death, and feels helpless in the cancer situation she’s in.
In the second dream, the dreamer (Trudy) is walking with her grandmother and sees a dove land on her grandmother’ shoulder. In this, Trudy now feels that she can be safe in heaven with the Holy Spirit and her grandmother. It doesn’t mean she will actually die, but if she does, she will go safely to heaven IF she first receives Jesus Christ (the dove) as her own savior.
As a believer, I can testify that Jesus/Holly Spirit/Father God can and does heal some people of cancer.
Old lord shiva temple with monkeys sitting there
I had a dream about i was a ball of energy,, like a orb
i dreamt being given a fresh newborn baby and i was so excited to have a baby
Breaking a phone accedentally in a dream
My dream was about a road trip , that went left . Along the way my daughter and myself parted ways . Then my adventure began. I met a group of people and we were laughing having a great time . So before we began driving one of the guys picks up poop then puts the poop behind the ear of another guy . Then I pick up poop and put it in my mouth. We were laughing then I cleaned out my mouth . We went into a restaurant and people around us were saying eww do you smell poop. Someone smells like poop. So we were laughing. And that’s pretty much how the dream stayed.
To dream yourself naked
For the past three nights my dreams have had my deceased grandmothers in them and they revolved about restaurants and pies.
One night I was super hungry but needed to use the restroom and when I got to the table everyone had finished their food. The next night I was assisting my other grandmother and we were at a huge celebration buffet style eating hundreds of people all around and I wanted lemon pie but I couldn’t find it. Asked a server to help and it was then brought to me
I’m dumbfounded as to why my grandmothers have been visiting me and what pie has to do with it
My relationships with both grandmothers were very special and we share a bo d. I can’t Imagine what their m.h message is
Any help is greatly appreciated
To see myself and my husband getting married in a green dress with long black hair Dream
i was having a normal day in my dream and i just felt like a disaster was coming.. i told my mom to get enough food but she didnt, i did and we were all underwater 4 strikes thats what i heard i dont know what 4 strikes mean but we were floating but when i went outside there was land.. and to the left i saw my cats because i thought they died because of drowning i also seen swimming ducks just being friendly.. i dont know what this dream means
I have had a continuous, contant dream for the past 16 years…. I dont know if I can call it a reoccurring dream seeing as though the only thing that remains the same is the end of it.
The beginning and middle are always different except the chill that I can feel deep into my bones. And the silence is defeaning.
But that silence is quicking replaced by my own voice…I hear myself yelling , screaming at someone and I go to turn around to see whats going on but then all of a sudden I am standing on the side of the road. I am still yelling but don’t know at who…. in that moment I see a figure standing in the median in the middle of the highway. Instantly my heart falls from chest because I realize I kniw who is standing there not 50 feet from me. Its my twin brother, Glen( who died three days after our 23rd birthday sixteen years ago); I try to run but my feet won’t more, its as if I have been concerted there. All I can do is yell out to him, “Please,Glen, please just listen to me for one for f**ks sake and just turn around…don’t cross to the road!!!” But he never turns around he just starts to cross the highway and then I wake up….
But it feels soooooo real.
Can anyone tell me what it means?
Your are living the last moment’s of your brother’s life( and death) over and over. You are trying to help him or prevent his death but your can’t. You are feeling guilty about his death (whether warranted or not) or about some aspect of your relationship with him. Ultimately you need to forgive yourself. You’re repeating this theme in you dream because you feel guilty and can’t let go of the past.
I had a weird two part dream. The first part I don’t remember much, but I was with a group of people and some of use were about to leave somewhere for some reason. I was with the people from the Flash T.V show on the CW and we were leaving some of them behind and everyone was sad. We were walking down a street near where I lived and I hugged one a girl who was crying because we were leaving.
The second part of the dream comes shortly after,Once I finished hugging her my friend showed up in a WWII style fighter plane in the sky and we had to run. I was at a park near where I lived, but I had to run because my friend was in a WWII style fighter plane shooting at me. I was taking cover behind trees and rocks, and every time he missed he circled around and waited for me to come into view. I was waiting for the people I was with to catch up to me, but my friend only seemed interested in shooting me. It was weird because I felt like we were playing a game of him trying to shoot me and me trying to not get shot, but I was still scared. Then I woke up.
What does this mean? Or is it just a weird dream with no meaning.
They’re Recurring dreams, all different except for small details.
In all of the dreams the numbers have some physical effect and I wake up ill.
In the dreams, I have 1 telltale symptom after I’ve seen or heard the number ’99’ and the later 4 numbers follow, amping up the symptom.
Keep in mind these are the symptoms IN THE DREAM.
For 899-0 it felt like my eyes were blacking out when they moved, in 1111 I felt extremely nauseous, and in 9999 everything felt.. Laggy? Another tell that it’s a dream is that when I see 99 I’m in a food court and everyone’s ticket has 99 *bump* printed on it and everyone is freaking out about their card info being jacked. What does this mean??
What dost mean when have sexual intercous in dream
I had a dream where I was at a camp near a lake and I found a list of names of people who would just disappear on an exact date. My name and the one I love was not on it, yet she disappeared the night that everyone on the list was supposed to. I talked to one of her friends and they said she left a clue for me in the clock tower near the camp. The clouds became dark and I went into the clock to find a room and started to look for the clue. I found a not that had been printed out and had the one I love talking to a person I know in real life about me. Then after I read it a bottle fell and there was on more not. I opened it up and I only got to read the words I love you and It changed to a scene where she was falling of a cliff into murky waters and dark clouds above. I felt abandon. What does it mean with all these dream interpretations in one dream.
I dreamt of processing palm oil
I dreamed as if I was in the toilet doing number 2
I had a very strange dream in which I wanted to have a threesome with my girlfriend and a friend of her.
The strange part came when to decide, I tasted their two soap bars, without eating them just putting them in my mouth and spitting them out. Another strange thing is that I saw myself in the mirror doing it and it seemed completely normal.
I recently got into a new relationship with a man I’ve had feelings for for over 5 years. I waited for him to get out of his relationship of a year and half with the mother of his child. I’m incredibly happy with him and his son.
In this dream I was at his house laying in bed in the dark when a bunch of his friends show up in the living room and complain about how loud the neighbours are, that they’re out on their yard screaming. I think nothing of it until I have to leave. I’m trying to start my car and once I get it started, it’s having major issues. I just bought a new car last month that works perfectly fine, but in this dream, the brakes were locked and the lights wouldn’t turn on, as well as a really loud cranking sound. I turn it off and I glance up at the rear view mirror and see someone emerge from the neighbours’ house and start running down the road towards my vehicle. In a panic I start it back up and turn off of his road, only for it to stall and break down again. Frustrated I turn the key in the ignition really hard and everything is fine. I notice blue lights behind my car and realise it’s a police officer. I pulled over on the road and I look in front of me and see 2 cars flipped over. The people, whom I assumed were in the vehicles or from the house directly next to the scene, were all outside in the field talking. Upon waking up I knew I didn’t actually recognise any of these people, but I still tried to aid them in the dream anyways. Eventually the medics showed up and I was advised to leave, so I did.
The road beside my boyfriend’s house is nowhere near any bodies of water, nor is anywhere I live near a body of water larger or wider than a creek. However, next thing I remember, I crash into water and I sink to the bottom, only to return to the surface and I’m face to face with my boyfriend. I didn’t question how he got there in the dream, but he asked me, “What’d you do that for?” as if I crashed on purpose. I tried to explain myself but I realised I lost my voice.
My apologies if this seems frantic, I’m incredibly cautious of my surroundings now and I’m freaked out. I called my boyfriend at 4:30am right after I woke up in a cold sweat and told him to let me know I’m not dead, and that we’re okay (even though no one died in the dream).
I would like help with understanding this dream. I have worked as a scientist in a laboratory for a long period of time…one day I dreamt that I was sitting in a contraption similar to an open sleigh in the space of floor between science work benches (about 8 – 10 feet)… the sleigh had no horses. But in front of the sleigh a lioness or perhaps a young male lion appeared. I do not know which but the lion did not have a main or crown of hair like the large male lion. The lion that appeared in front of the sleigh turned to face me sitting on the sleigh…the lion then transformed into a young boy approximately 10 years old. The dream has other parts but this part has always intrigued me…thx
In my dream I was riding in a car with my friend(female) and suddenly I saw a mentally ill teen girl and gifted her money and she started following me around, like she comes to the car window and tried to come in but I refuse and she just kept following everywhere I went and I got angry, got down from the car and started beating her.
I want to know about my dream.
I saw a very unique dream that I am with a group of people and somewhere in the glaciers surrounded by beautiful nature and this big black- hairy giant bear with a human soul, I felt him very closely also that bear is telling people with me that I need to stay alone in the wild with him because that’s what’s best for me. I am sitting alone thinking if I would go with those people from that beautiful place ( I don’t know them but they were listening to the soul of the bear ) and the bear is big with this human male soul coming out ( a beautiful man) who is telling them that it’s better for me to stay with that bear . Because that’s where I belong (extremely beautiful nature).
And I am sitting alone thinking how can I be in the wild alone with the bear and it’s just me and the bear and he seems to know me so well (the human soul in the bear). He was calm and beautiful ( beers and the soul together)
I also felt danger around me (not because of the bear) but somewhere I senses it in the dream but as that bear was there *his soul in the human form was talking to me and other people I felt protected and also that the bear was in love and very protective about me. I was surprised seeing a bear
And the soul of that bear very closely.
It was a beautiful dream and in that beautiful nature surrounding me I am
Sitting and questioning if I can leave the world and stay alone in the wild nature with this bear and constantly questioning as how can we both be alone because there is no one else in that world except for me and that bear and he is asking me to stay . I have seen the bear like very closely (eyes, hair, nails, body I have also touched him a bit to see if it was for real).
What does that mean.
I dream profesay someone and diliverd some two lady’s!
I had a very vivid dream last night that I had gone to the bathroom and when I wiped, there were bugs on the toilet paper in the poop. They started to move and it scared me. Moths, worms, etc.
My dreamt I was moving away from home finally I was going to be independent, while driving something happened that I can’t quite remember what but what I do remember is having twins after that and I’m not even pregnant not was I in the dream
May 16, 2020
I dream that I gave birth on my own there were two strangers with me, we were in a hospital room but were not supposed to be there. When a nurse walked in I told her I’m having a baby next thing you know I delivered my baby and wanted to know what was the sex of my baby. She handed me my baby I opened the blanket and seen it was a girl I was so happy and when I looked at the baby she had long hair coming out her nose and mouth literally a lot of hair. I tried pulling it out but every time I did she would cough like it was connected to her insides.
I said to someone give me scissors then I woke up.
This is a dream a friend had about my girlfriend.
I was at senate building talking to someone.. When I saw u delivering a baby…
Wen I crossed to meet u… U wen laying on a slate with fire burning underneath (almost as hot as a furnace)… Someone(lady) took the baby from u… I held your hands trying to ask if you were okay… You said yes… U came down from the place… And went after her(the lady)… You told me you were going to the health centre.. But youu crossed over to the senate building, i followed and the whole place indeed looks like an health centre… D next tin I didn’t see u and d Woman again…. All doors in the Health Centre was Closed.
Please what does this dream mean, my girlfriend is scared.
I had a dream and it started normal with my workmates telling stories, joking….. Then as my boss usually gives me a ride going home it happened but it was too dark and I felt sleepy while he was asking me some questions, I kept feeling sleepy then I saw my self out passing through a neighbourhood where we lived when I was still a young boy then the kids started throwing wedding rings at me then I was running away from them trying to protect my head not to be hurt by them then I started yelling then I felt weak and fell down and at that time I saw my self lying down in our living room at home then I felt like I was paralyzed then I saw someone sitting on the couch and I thought it’s my brother then I started calling out his name for help then later I realized it was not him but my girlfriend whom we are having a complicated relationship then I called for help for like 5 secs but my voice was not reaching out she was on her phone looks like she was not seeing me or hearing me…then I tried to get up and it ended there. I woke up.
Can you please help me and explain my dream?? I’m sorry for my English which is not good.
i dreamt of sharing food
I was in an empty shopping mall, it was closed so the lights were off but it had a dim pale green light to the place still. I went outside and it was dark, there were heavy clouds above. I found myself in a parking lot that was as empty as the mall but there were cars there. It was snowing, not very heavily almost as if slightly in slow motion. I looked up into the sky and into the snow, and I looked down at my hands watching the snow fall on them, and then I woke up.
I had a dream that i kept being drowned into a lake and it repeated the same dream 8 nights in a row? i dont know who drowned me but it was terrifying. it was like a fight scene and i had to solve a puzzle to survive to the next round which was like a locker filling with sand. it was super weird
A dream were I was in a white room and the only way to wake is to solve a puzzle like a escape room and once I found the first clue I would wake and once I went back to sleep I had the same dream but it saved progress.
I had a dream that I like someone in the dream (crush only in the dream, I dont know this person in real life nor do I like him) and he rejects me then kisses my best friend and I get upset and end up leaving . I also sensed that my crush had a carless and rude manner toward me and backstabs me although I’ve been nothing but nice and welcoming to him.
I actually had 2 dreams like this except that the crush was a different guy in each, and I actually don’t have any romantic feeling for either.
I really don’t know what this means and I love my best friend deeply and I know she has the best intentions even in the dream she ran after me when I got upset each time and tried to please me.
I have a cat. In his dream it was dark and I opened my back door and it looked like my car had ran out but I’m fact a cat had dashed in. Robin the dark there were two cats. I turned on the the light and there was my cat another cat ants or bugs were all over the floor and cats. I called my gunning was upstairs. He didn’t come so I ran upstairs to him. I stood in front of him calling his name. He was on his knees looking out the window drinking something. He couldn’t hear it see me. I wasvscreaming . Then I woke up.
I dreamt of my HR guy who is arranging for a farewell and also dreamt of the bouncer wonder why this dream?
I keep dreaming that I’m inside a game, not a video game. Kinda like those tv shows but less trivia and more actual game like. Idk what this means and nothing is helping.
Owl changing into a woman bringing a positive message
Dream of force sex mouth started blinding out blood . The dream I had was not me but other man I don’t know who this man is but shocked up from the dream early morning about 3 am that’s all .
In my dream i saw myself by the sea shore. It was brigth and sunny with birds signing and flying. Suddenly the sea became rough, the sky dark, strong winds blew across, the sun disappear. I was frighten, i went down on my knees and start to pray, but the more i pray the situation seems worst and went i stop its like am going to be carried by the strong winds. So i persiste in Prayer and finaly i saw thé sky bright again, thé sea clame but what i didnt understand was a star came from behind the sun and was shining brighter than the sun.
I woke up from sleep
In my dream i saw myself by the sea shore. It was brigth and sunny with birds signing and flying. Suddenly the sea became rough, the sky dark, strong winds blew across, the sun disappear. I was frighten, i went down on my knees and start to pray, but the more i pray the situation seems worst and went i stop its like am going to be carried by the strong winds. So i persiste in Prayer and finaly i saw thé sky bright again, thé sea clame but what i didnt understand was a star came from behind the sun and was shining brighter than the sun.
I woke up from sleep
I dreamt that my husband and I were living in the country. We were surrounded by pasture. My husband would go pet and feed The neighbor’s cows. They were foreigners. They would let my husband do that because they trusted him. One day a lady confronted us about a missing cow and was blaming my husband for it. We had no clue what happened to it. Then she said there was an Ordinance that they could only have 2 cows and she had 8. So they underlying emotion was someone retaliated and killed a cow to prove a point. My husband began to run through the pasture and came across an old vehicle turned upside down. In it was the cow but it had been beheaded. I think it was my husband that held up the cow’s head. I then woke up in a panic.
My gentle pet pit-bull disemboweling a giant octopus and then turning to fight a grizzly bear while my wife and I watch looking down from the edge of a ravine with a medium sized river running through the bottom of it. We were with my wife’s family but they had already gone ahead to the store after we had all jumped over the ravine, (which was wider than we should have been able to jump). We had all decided to walk to the store because we could not all fit in my Camaro. We were in Georgia, where her family is from, so we were either moving or visiting from K.C.,MO.
Bizarre dreams
My mom came across me and my unknown significant other when we were being attacked by an alligator. Moxie, our young cat, was there and also being attacked. Mom wrestled with the alligator and once that threat was removed, she had to hold moxie down. Moxie was freaking out and scratched my mom so bad that there were gaping wounds and blood pouring from her arms. Every time mom went near moxie or raised her arm, she’d freak out and hiss in fear and try to get away. Only I could calm moxie down. And I went about looking for someone who could spiritually heal her bond with my mom.
Killed by a wild dog atop of me while I slept. I woke up and stared into its predatory gaze. Then it visiously bit my neck. Didnt feel it. I just jerked and somehow knew I was dead felt a burning sensation and then awoke. It was a German Shepard.
I’ve been learning about dream symbols for along time ever since I stumbled upon websites reading into what kind of dreams I had. Have you guys ever neglected not reading into a dream because you already knew what they meant and you simply feel a sense of guilt about your readings? I’ve sometimes wonder if you guys ever tried to analyze daydreams that occur when you’re awake. Thoughts that has been built up and visuals…I tried it myself, and its pretty interesting how it could impact how I see my progression in life. I would always analyze my friend’s dreams if they ever had a chance of discussion. And if I don’t, I would simply know what position they are in their lives in such a internal way.
I hv dreamt that am in the multitude of soldiers and holding guns
In my dream i saw two young heavy set light skin Afro women sitting on the floor In front of a house. As I look, I notice they are performing voodoo. I see things laying on the ground In front of them. As I get closer one of them looks at me serious. I look straight into her eyes (i had no fear) and I said to her “Santa Muerte” (Saint of Death). I felt protected when I mention her name.
I have been visit by Santa Muerte twice in my dreams before. I never look for her. But when she ask if I knew who she was in my dream.I said yes, I said you are La Santa Muerte. She smile at me and said not to worry, everything was going to be okay in my life. She came to Me in a dream as human form, not the skeleton way. She was very beautiful.
What does my dream with voodoo mean?
Can anyone interpret a Giant blowing a dark/black tornado? First time I didn’t see the giant as I only saw a tornado but when I went to go somewhere safer I saw the giant the first time as he blew another dark tornado.
Not a dream interpreter but based on your dream I would guess that the giant is a spirit or strongman. At first you did not see the source of the storm. Whatever is being sent your way is likely sent by the spirit, strongman, or witches.
What was sent was a tornado or a storm which could harm everything in its path. It seems that an obstacles, trial, or something that is coming against you is supposed to be on its way.
I do not know what it means that you wanted to go to a safe place.
If you made it there Glory to God it sounds like you will make it to safety and overcome or find covering from whatever obstacle.
Should you still have not found somewhere safe then maybe it is something you are need of addressing with seeking God on the issue. Could this be a warning dream? Most likely.
All understanding of dreams I believe belong to GOD who is able to let us to prepare.
I could not find my car key, later my car was also missing. When I got home, my mother and my wife were cooking. A strange old woman came by so I asked my family to go indoors and asked the stanger to leave. Later when I was in search of my car key, the same stranger, an old woman had her face covered with a white handkerchief. I noticed her when I felt someone was beating my right arm and it was her again. Didn’t see her face in the dream. I could feel the beating even when I woke up from my sleep.
I once had a dream that I spoke Japanese
what does it mean
if info needed race is HSP lives in US
My dream was making love with someone. What does this mean?
I dreamed my client was driving a van in the snow and going fast not stopping at the stop signs and wouldn’t listened to me when I asked her to stop than I opened the door and jumped out. She later came to tell me that I was rude and people didn’t want me to be in the restaurant. I was also wearing pj that the elastic was well warn on my bottoms at a luncheon with professionals including my daughter and our colleagues and was preparing to go back to work for a new position in a field I’m not qualified for and I was organizing and going through security at an airport with a suitcase filled with clothing for myself and my grand daughter. What th someone helping me on my left.
Thank you very helpfull
First, I had a dream about giant black spiders with a small round body in the middle and big long legs first one was coming at me then I ran to another room, my mother was in the first room and young (she’s 94 and in a nursing home now), she was a very dominant figure in my life and fairly recently she said something that hurt me so bad I stayed In bed for the most part of three days. So I went to the next room where another spider was trying to crawl out of something, maybe a grocery cart, whatever it was it was full of a bunch of stuff, there was a long couch on the wall that was also full of all kinds of stuff I was terrified, my mother walked through the second room into another room a man was trying to catch or kill the spiders and I was just up on the couch frantic and terrified. I think there’s more but I was awakened abruptly andsoiforgotthe last part.
I saw myself in the church congregation and the pastor called me and pour anointing oil on my two palms.
I had a strange, what I think is a post-nuclear war, dream. I vaguely remember how it began and it got more vivid the more it went on. I remember I was looking at a road map to a place we had to go. The road lead to a lake, but along the way we were told that there would be many cemeteries, and there would be a buried nuke that didn’t go off.
On our journey in a truck, we passed these cemeteries, and then we got to the bend in the road where the buried nuke was marked. It was also by a cemetery, and we was speculated that it was encased in concrete for protection. The cemetery was partly covered in water from the lake in the background as I remember seeing headstones partly sticking out of the water.
The sky was a dark green always, and there was no sun. We got to a straight section in the road and we drove through a dead spruce tree forest. The ground was basically black, but the dark green sky you could still see enough through the forest to see these ghosts, or souls, seemingly stuck in place. They were mostly a glowing green with a white mist. You could see hundreds of these souls in the forest, glowing, and stuck in place. We were told not to enter the forest or attempt to talk with the souls.
At the end of the road, we got to a gate and a fence that blocked the rest of the road. Basically a “No trespassing beyond this point” type of barrier. But it was the only way to get to the lake so we had to leave the truck and cut our way through the fence and walk the rest of the way.
I don’t remember what happened walking from the fence to the lake. But I remember walking across the shoreline to get to a spot where there was large rocks, 40-50ft high that continued along the shoreline. When we got to that point, there was like an entry way made of rocks that would take you into the forest, and a walking trail between the rocks and the forest. It was believed that this would take you to a fresh water well.
After that, I don’t remember much, or woke up. The creepiest points of this dream were the forest of souls and the buried/encased nuke in the cemetery. I can find nothing online that even comes close to this dream.
When I woke from a dream on March 15th, I went to the notebook beside my bed and wrote that I was in a big bar/restaurant and I am helping out my old classmate samantha and it was her wedding night. Then, I notice Zombies can turn into anyone and I was surrounded by people. Zombies soon caught up to me and my boyfriend Scotty. I was able to kill like 2 or 3 of them. I felt confident that I wasn’t going to die. I then remember talking to Arya Stark and told her that I had a dream of the show before I watched it, but the scene had been in my dream that night. Then, I got the feeling that I had to go into the attic of my house back in Oakhurst, but this house looked like a random room in the ahwahnee hotel in Yosemite. Next thing I wrote, was “I saw from the 1st sight that the Attic has Window”. The giant attic room had red carpet on the walls with 2 glass doors with steps going up. For some reason this dream had triggered a memory of a dream I had of where I was at my old high school where I was walking down a hall and going into a classroom. The rooms felt uniquely similar, and the mood seemed to be dusk or (“evening daylight”). I then assume that the Zombies are white walkers and then they see me and I know I have to get out quick. I then jump down into a huge empty room and start fighting a zombie and then I die, but I am unsure how and then I woke up kind of relieved.
When I woke from a dream on March 15th, I went to the notebook beside my bed and wrote that I was in a big bar/restaurant and I am helping out my old classmate samantha and it was her wedding night. Then, I notice Zombies can turn into anyone and I was surrounded by people. Zombies soon caught up to me and my boyfriend Scotty. I was able to kill like 2 or 3 of them. I felt confident that I wasn’t going to die. I then remember talking to Arya Stark and told her that I had a dream of the show before I watched it, but the scene had been in my dream that night. Then, I got the feeling that I had to go into the attic of my house back in Oakhurst, but this house looked like a random room in the ahwahnee hotel in Yosemite. Next thing I wrote, was “I saw from the 1st sight that the Attic has Window”. The giant attic room had red carpet on the walls with 2 glass doors with steps going up. For some reason this dream had triggered a memory of a dream I had of where I was at my old high school where I was walking down a hall and going into a classroom. The rooms felt uniquely similar, and the mood seemed to be dusk or (“evening daylight”). I then assume that the Zombies are white walkers and then they see me and I know I have to get out quick. I then jump down into a huge empty room and start fighting a zombie and then I die, but I am unsure how and then I woke up kind of relieved.
hi guys
I have a reoccurring dream where I am falling off a cliff but I manage to pull myself up and over the cliff It is scary. I find myself on the floor before I finally wake up. I hate it
I’m standing in the center of a solid white room made of cinderblocks, in front of me there is a bedroom with two large closed windows that I can see the ocean beyond. No shoreline in view only the ocean. It isn’t calm but not raging either.There are other rooms but only one with windows. The colors I see are dark blue , Red , and orange.
I dreamed that I was lost and I needed to call my husband and when I would try to call him I never remembered the telephone number I could never renter the last number . And I had these dream several times what does it mean .
I really would appreciate it . Thank you.
Questions about your relationship – “can’t connect” – with your husband. What is his “number” that you have forgotten?
How is your relationship with your husband?
Have you lost “connection” with him?
What is his “number” that you have forgotten?
If you recall the number, will it get you back into connection with him?
I was dreaming about holloween it is now January,people where buy-in balloons and putting needles in them and giving them to children at the end of my dream I saw a purple wax figure of a coffin with a wax figure of a skull. Scared me something awful. What dose this mean??
My husband recently died , 25 yrs ago he had an affair I dreamt I cut all this woman’s hair off. We got stronger because of the affair and my husband really regretted it . But why am I still thinking about it
If You Believe In The Honestly Weird Things I Do It Could Mean:
1. That He Came To You In A Dream World To Give You Closer From The Incident And You Cutting Her Clothes Was Symbolic For Her Karma Which Probably Came
2. Could Be That Now You Have Truly Forgiven Him
3. Or That Subconsciously You Wish Thats How Things Happened Between The Two Of You
I Could Go A Lot More In Depth But I Dont Want The Response To Be Too Lengthy
I dreamed I went back to my old house with my sons they were young in my dream
nice dreams man
I dream abut losing a black Perl and gold what does it mean.
I need to find my comment
I had a dream about him on his birthday. We are not in contact and I completely forgot that is his birthday. I realize the date when I woke up. Because of the dream. Dream; He was happy to see me. We were alone at the restaurant, but then he offered to pay with the credit card and cop came because it was stolen. In the next scene we were sitting next to one another and hugging. But not kissing or anything more like you came at peace with them. Not just physically like much more. And I put my head on his shoulder to relax. I felt safe.
I had a dream about him (crush) on his birthday. We are not in contact and I completely forgot that is his birthday. I realize the date when I woke up. Because of the dream. Dream; He was happy to see me. We were alone at the restaurant, but then he offered to pay with the credit card and cop came because it was stolen. In the next scene we were sitting next to one another and hugging. But not kissing or anything more like you know that person is there and you can came at peace with them. Not just physically like much more. And I put my head on his shoulder to relax. I felt safe.
I had a really unusual dream.
There was a giant zombie apocalypse, and there was a giant group of survivors. Me and my family were among those survivors. Well, more of just me and my brothers. I also had some other people that I don’t remember. But we were all running from the apocalypse, and there was this one area that was untouched by zombies. Or so we thought.
Well, once we got there, there was a whole lot of other people. I was only with my brother, which I don’t understand how my other one just disappeared. I was thinking of that in the dream, and we both went to bed. Well, I woke up and there was no one there. But there was a ghost, I believe she was, who was helping me through the mansion that we were in. We seemed to be good friends, but I don’t understand why because I don’t believe I know anyone like her. Anyways, later my brother came back, but the other didn’t. But, when we were going to a mini-shop in the area, my cousin and both brothers where there, as well as my father and uncle. The shop had many rooms, and people had to direct us to each room because in some of the rooms, people were testing zombies and a treatment for them. It seems as if the treatments were working though because the doctors let some into the rooms. Well, I told one girl about this, and she said that it was dangerous and that something bad would happen, so she asked if I could help her get them back into the rooms just to be safe. I accepted, but not very willingly. Then, when we were at the doors of the room they were letting zombies into, the image quickly changed to us all being overrun by zombies and then it ended.
Is there a possible explaination for this?
I need help
I had a dream that my significant other and I saw an old man holding an infant walking down the road. Several weeks later he and I were on our way to the park down a long Winding Road very private and we actually saw an old man holding an infant couldn’t have been more than a few weeks old. We said that on our way back we would stop and ask if he needed help. We were only gone for 10 to 15 minutes so when we came back he was gone nowhere to be found we tried to look everywhere and there was no sign of him or the child. Am I crazy or what but the man was old looked like Jesus in white T-shirt and jeans. I really need to know what this means. His family has different meanings for it and one of which scares the heck out of me. Someone please PLEASE help me
I dreamt that I was in a hospital and some cripple fell from his wheelchair right in front of me and I just hear somebody scream ‘just don’t step on him!. He just seems so fragile and somehow I know that if I step on him he will break. I’ve had this dream multiple times, each time a bit different than the other, sometimes I’m alone, sometimes with my friends or family. One time I did step on his leg and it broke off like it was porcelain, though the leg seemed real. I don’t know, I just find this dream really unsettling and I would like to know what it means.
I dreamt that I had broken glass in my mouth and I was trying to get it all out by pulling it out, spitting it out, rinsing my mouth
I had an long nosed animal come into my room come up to my face and blow on my face I took a swing at it it disappeared
I dreamed a pet tiger brought in my home attacked me with its mouth at my neck. It never bit me, it just held me while I was terrified. I dreamed this was amusing to my other guest. I felt traumatized!
Well, I had a dream of my mother ordering my sister to cut off my left hand’s fingers off. And in the dream I thought it was a joke but I had a gut feeling that it was real. Anyways, I started running through the hall wanting to go downstairs to my Grandma’s house, but I couldn’t run, and when I got to the door, it was locked and I had to go through 4 keys to finally open it but I was so slow and shaky, then when I finally opened it and wanted to get down, my sister was behind me, telling me, “Hold your left hand in the air so I would cut them easier and quickly or put them on the table so I would cut them slowly and much more painfully” I refused and whilst she was talking a certain flashback of something like this happened but this was about a neighbor or something cutting his wife’s fingers off. I asked her, “Why’re you doing this?” She said, “I listen to mom and you don’t”. And when she wanted to reach for me I woke up.
Dream that a doctor told me I am pregnant with cherry tomatoes
I dream that my husband gets out of prison and doesn’t want to be with me
I had a dream about buying a loaf of bread for my neighbor that passed away in 2016. she said thank you for my gesture. what does it mean to give a loaf of bread to a dead women at her door.
I dreamt seeing snakes inside well water in the early hour of this morning while asleep.what is the meaning?
I dreamt of entering a new place .house to be exact, and whilelooking around i came upon some sneakers and contained lots of spiders.one black willow lik e spider bit my foot and i saw it .it got purple and died due to bit
I dreamt of entering a new place .house to be exact, and whilelooking around i came upon some sneakers and contained lots of spiders.one black willow lik e spider bit my foot and i saw it .it got purple and died due to bit
I had a dream where cobweb with a life spider on it was falling from the ceiling and fell on top of my younger sister It was silver in colour i asked her to kill it but the spider crowed away from her body then I saw another one bigger of another speeches of spider crowing on top of our refrigerator I asked my sister to kill it on but on the process I wake up
For about a year and a half approximately I’ve been waking up vibrating from head to foot, as though I’m a humansized mobile phone. And it carries on, but milder, for a little while when I’ve awoken and fully conscious. Could you please tell me what this could possibly mean? Thank you.
Hi I dreamt that I was dating a friends brother my age but she doesn’t even have a brother. Her & her brother parents were very strict and wouldn’t let them outside the house only if they were going to school in my dream. But then we snuck out the house and started running, which I’m very confused about because it was kinda like track.
I am looking for interpretation of dreams about snakes. There are none listed.
I dreamed of dog poop everywhere what does that mean in my house
It means you have done dirty moral things
I had a dream where I went on camping road trip with friends. There were tornado warnings so we moved to another cabin. Went to get a drink and they were gone person left IOU for each she took. tornados came thru and we waited it out. One of the girls moms came with ointment for her. We joked as they saw bread was almost gone and I showed them we had more. Was telling them about the storms when sky to ground lightening appeared. We went inside. There was a side door that I opened to look out and saw a weird flash of light. Stepped outside and in the ds saw fire and light mixed spinning. Then a purple dragon emerged. I ran to door and my daughter grabbed me making it hard for either to go in. We got in went to close door and there was a small boy. I got him in then teenagers kept appearing. I had to close the door so we could be safe and they all dissapeared. Dream ended then
I had dreams where I am trapped in a building by fushia, red, and purple jewel encrusted gray spiders of all sizes and webs. Dream me has awake me’s bad arachnid-phobia and even though the spiders seem harmless, I am screaming and running away from them and some chase after me.
Sounds like Thanos spiders ????
Sounds like a horror movie
Hi there
I have had two weird scary dreams the last two nights…
The First dream had ‘a dream inside a dream’, where I was dreaming about having to go Through some sort of obsticle course alone. For some reason I was bare footed. In the dream I woke up with strange cuts on My feet and everything was covered in my blood..
Later in my dream, an old female cop invited me, My mom and My younger Brother into her living room for a cup og coffee. While sitting in her living room, she held her hand over me to analyse me or something. After that she showed me a couple of weird and disturbing pictures with demonic faces looking out Through bushes and stuff. Some of the pictures were in Nice frames. Then she continued on by telling me that I have had a Lot of evil inside of me (something demonic). Then I felt something leave My body, and she told me that it was gone and that I had always Been a Good person who would never harm anyone. After that we had to leave her house which let us Through a maze of narrow creepy hallways. At the end, a big Black demonic creature stood still, watching us leave…
The second dream, which occured the right after, ended with me watching an adult, balled man using an Electric drill to drill holes in his armpits, while he was laying on the floor. I was disgussed by This in the dream. I could also hear other people in the Background beeing scared and warning him. The man thought that it was funny to do since there (apparantly) was no blood…
Please Help me translate these dreams, since they were very unsetteling! :/
I would love to interpret this dream for you. If you still get these responses, can you reply to me at my blog? My site is: youngrevivalist.wordpress.com
I dream trector going with a man some of musition was visiting to our vilage it was enjoyeble evry1 was dancing happy
I had a weird dream. I dreamt that there are crab lik things coming out of my back but there clause kept breaking off. What can this mean
Kind Regards
I woke up out of my sleep and I saw a hair net going up in the air in my bed room and it suddenly diapeard.
“their claws”. It means you need to go back to school to learn basic spelling.
its certainly does !
” crab lik ” isn’t a spelling error either
What does it mean when one fish refuses to stay in fish bowl?
Don’t be rude to people because they misspelled one word…tell the real thing by what it means instead.
this other response isn’t true honey. this is an indication that you may feel insecurities or that you are lacking in strength. The crab is there though there’s something that may have caused you to feel weak in an area of your life. This or it could be a way of saying you have been unusually stressed as you have been “crabby”, and this energy doesn’t serve you, therefore the crabs power had been lost. But the feelings you had in the dream would have really indicative of what the dream could have meant to you. Sorry this post is 3 years later, just wanted to say.
I need help. So I was dreaming about work, but i was in my school yard, so we had a lunch time and i wanted to smoke some weed but no one wanted so i let that be, when it was time to go back it went normally, interesting thing is that i was chating with my ex. When we were going back to our positions where we work one guy said: “Dude why are we so far from everyone else” and then i saw a monkey. I called to it and it came to me it loved me for some reason. But he was showing me ate the bush near by where was a big elephant it started chasing 3 of us and we ran like hell. It got me two time and slamed me but i survived back at the workplace there were armed guys that wanted trouble, looked like elephant is on their side since he didnt even look at them chasing me all the way, i killed some of the guys as i ran and i ran to the nearby park, i climbed a tree, but he wouldnt leave me alone he tried to break it or climb it, but i kept going from one tree to another, he never gave up, the next thing i know i am a brother of a boy who was chased and am going to the scene to investigate since it said no one survived but i knew exactly what happened and i told myself he must be alive he must live. in the yard were agents of some kind so they start explaining what was going on and the people gather around, my gf was there and some guy wanted to get close to her and i send him off, then i was showing my family the marks on the trees and i was saying he must be alive, but then i aksed what of that elephant i woke up and i feel dizzy and my stomach hurts, HELP ME!!!!
I dreamt that my house was suddenly filled with ankle deep clear water. I remember looking around the house and seeing that it didn’t reach the plugs on the wall. My deceased mother opened the door and let it out. Right after that a Christian friend of mine called my cell and my daughter brought the phone to me and I mentioned to him that I needed to purchase a small cylinder of cooking gas and he offered to buy it for me from a man who also sells cigarettes. I did not let him buy the gas. I told him I was good and would get it myself.
I dreamed of being in a VIP area and have no remembrance of how I got there except for a friend I made there. We were showing of our talents with plenty of other vip booths there. When I saw James Charles in our area performing in the little circle. (Yes I know some of y’all don’t like James but it ain’t about that)
He did his thing and then walked to the side where he went to go change and do his little stuff to freshen up. I didn’t want to bother him since I know he hates when people interrupt him if he is doing something personal. So I wait for him to walk and me and my new friend are just talking about him and what would happen if I talked to him then and I told her about him not liking people doing that and then I see him walk by and I tell him “Hi James!” And he is like “who are you…??” And I say “I’m a really big fan of yours and I saw you and I didn’t want to interrupt you while you were changing-“ he turns us around and sits down and he just smiles at me “well thank you for doing that then you must be a real sister.” And laughs I say “And I’m such a huge fan and I’ve been your fan for 2-4 years and you are so amazing and inspire me and just thank you and I have been really wanting to meet you.” I say all of this while just covering my face a little with my sleeves and he finds it adorable and he says “Aw, well thank you! And I really find it adorable that you can wear a hoodie and your hair isn’t a mess and just looks cute!” And I’d say”yeah thank you” And he says “yeah let’s be friends!” And I say “yes!” And I say “I can’t wait to see you at vidcon!” And he says “yeah and wear neutral colors!” And I say “okay thank you for Taking some time and letting me meet you I can see you’re in a hurry!” And he says “ yes bye sister!” And gives me a paper I think has his number in it. That’s all I can remember currently.