Hair Falling Out Dream Meaning – Top 8 Dreams About Losing Hair

Did you dream about hair loss? Hair loss in dreams signifies the loss of sexual virility, seduction, sensuality, vanity, and health. Haircuts in dreams can suggest a sense of power and entitlement, as well as a fresh start in life. This dream interpretation will solely be about when you lose or cut your hair. We will show you how it can relate to the dream symbols. In the dream setting where you lose your hair in the dream, always consider your emotions and whether your choice is yours. Here we help you interpret everything about hair loss dreams.

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Dream About Hair Falling Out

When you dream about your hair falling out in the dream, always consider the possible reasons behind the hair falling.

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Related to Aging
To dream that you are losing your hair because you are getting older reflects losing your sex appeal and virility.

Related to Cancer or Other Disease Treatment
If the hair falling out in chunks in the dream is due to cancer treatment, the hair falling out can be reflective of a self-transformation process. Perhaps you are doing things that you think are better for yourself. However, you start to care less about what other people think about your changes.

Related to Poison
When the dream depicts your hair falling out because of potential poisonous material in your surrounding, it can suggest that you have toxic people in your life—these people cause you unnecessary stress and health.

Related to Stress
Losing your hair also signifies a lack of strength; you do not have the power to succeed in an undertaking. You may be feeling weak and vulnerable.

Dream About Hair Cut

To dream that someone cutting your hair suggests that you are experiencing a loss of strength. If you have completely no say nor opinion about how you want others to cut your hair, it suggests that someone is trying to censor you.

However, to get a brand new haircut because you go to a barber or hairstylist means that you are reshaping your thinking or ambitions. If you remove your hair in unwanted places like armpits or arms, it suggests that you have a strong desire to eliminate unwanted thoughts/habits.

Someone Shaving Your Head Without Consent
When someone is shaving your head without consent, it suggests that certain views are being forced on you. The view is usually about how you represent and look at yourself.

The act of shaving can also represent that someone is taking advantage of you financially. People are taking a “haircut” out of your assets and money.

Dream About Cutting Someone’s Hair
If the dream features you cutting someone else’s hair, it suggests that you have a certain expectation for the person. You want the person to behave or act a certain way for you.

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